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September 14, 2023UMN Innovation Center Exhibition at PTJJ (Doc. UMN)
JAKARTA – The U-Tapis application, the Puguh Kesed Exhibition Application, and the Virtual Gramedia Store, which is the work of Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN), appeared at an exhibition held on the initiative of the Center for Research and Innovation in Open and Distance Education (Pusat Riset dan Inovasi-Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh/PRI-PTJJ) of the Terbuka University’s Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM). With the theme “Creativity and Originality of Emerging Technologies for Open and Distance Education,” the exhibition was held at the Terbuka University Convention Center on Thursday (7/9/2023).
UMN lecturer Dr. Niknik Mediyawati, M.Hum. and her team created a language error filter application called U-Tapis, an Automatic Spelling Filter (Penapis Ejaan Secara Otomatis).
According to Niknik, this exhibition event is beneficial because it is a place to display various innovations due to research. So that research results do not just accumulate in the library but are directly introduced to the community and the business and industrial world.
Visitors asked many questions while at the UMN stand, such as what the U-Tapis application is, when the general public can use the U-Tapis application, and many other questions. Visitors had the opportunity to try the U-Tapis application directly.
“Hopefully, the U-Tapis application will soon be realized on every Indonesian device, as well as foreigners who want to learn Indonesian. So that U-Tapis can be used by the people of Indonesia and the world as an effort to improve Indonesian language proficiency,” said Niknik.
Apart from trying the U-Tapis application, several visitors also tried other applications from the work of UMN lecturer Clemens Felix Setiyawan, S.Sn., M.Hum. and team, namely the Puguh Kesed Exhibition application, a trendy way of exhibiting a product. There’s also the Virtual Gramedia Store, an application to visit the Gramedia Bookstore virtually.
The three applications, funded by the Kedaireka Matching Fund Program in collaboration with partners Tribunnews.com and Kompas, represent products from the UMN Innovation Center led by Arief Iswariyadi, Ph.D.
Before the exhibition, the UMN team was contacted by UT for an online and offline meeting regarding preparations. Then, under the direction of the UMN Innovation Center, all equipment has been prepared, and the team only prepares video material and applications on display.
The exhibition was also attended by UMN, namely the UMN Innovation Center team Bagas Andika, the U-Tapis Niknik team, the Gramedia Virtual Bookstore team, and the Virtual Photography Exhibition application Ardiles Akyuwen, M. Sn., and UMN students.
The Open and Distance Education Research and Innovation Showcase (Gelar Hasil Riset dan Inovasi Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh) featured innovations involving other universities, partners, schools, and the business world focusing on open and distance education technology.
In addition to the Multimedia Nusantara University Innovation Center booth, there were 39 other booths from various parties, both UT and partners, including Huawei Indonesia, Festivo, Artificial Intelligence Center Indonesia (AICI), University of Indonesia, Metanesia from PT Telkom Indonesia, and several high schools and vocational schools. The sexy innovation products displayed at this exhibition are undoubtedly ready to take action to welcome Golden Indonesia with enthusiasm and passion.
by Annisa Maulida | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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