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One of a series of AUN-QA assessment activities on Wednesday (30/06/21) (Doc. Timothy Benedic)
TANGERANG – Three Study Programs (Prodi) of Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN), namely the Management Study Program, Visual Communication Design (DKV) Study Program, and Strategic Communication (Communication Science) Study Program participated in international certification assessments to improve their quality assurance. This assessment was conducted by the ASEAN University Network – Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) on the three study programs of UMN simultaneously.
The study programs proposed by UMN to take part in the assessment of AUN-QA are the study programs that have received A accreditation from BAN-PT. Though they have received national A level accreditation, both the rectorate and study programs have the desire to immediately ‘level up’ not only to get higher accreditation at national level but also to develop themselves and be recognized internationally.
The assessment carried out on the 3 study programs of UMN is the 220th assessment of all the assessments that have so far been carried out by AUN-QA on many campuses in the ASEAN region. Actually, for the DKV Study Program, it is the second assessment that AUN-QA has conducted on a similar study program or department in Indonesian universities.
“Actually what we need is not merely ‘prestige’, but how we can have a quality assurance system, and how we can maintain our international standards-based quality. That is what we actually want,” said Mohammad Rizaldi, S.T, M.Ds. as the Head of the UMN DKV Study Program (Kaprodi).
Also responding to this moment, Inco Hary Perdana, S.I.Kom., M.Si., Head of Communication Studies Study Program, UMN, sees that the assessment of this study program is an evaluation process. According to him, if the study program does not have any tool or indicator as a reference for self-assessment, it will assume that everything is fine, so that self-improvement and development will be minimal and very difficult to happen.
Also read Three UMN Study Programs Achieve AUN-QA International Assessment
Before participating in this assessment, representatives of the study programs visited Bangkok, Thailand, two years ago to take part in training and debriefing before they were actually ready to submit their study programs to take part in the AUN-QA assessment. In addition, the study program has also conducted sit-ins (comparative studies) with other campuses in Indonesia which had previously undergone assessments from AUN-QA. The pupsoe is to know and to learn and to evaluate themselves so that they can immediately fix what is needed.
According to Inco and Rizaldi, there are different approaches to the assessment by BAN-PT and AUN-QA. BAN-PT so far is better known as an audit body that assesses the level of study programs of a university based on fulfillment of certain criteria. However, AUN-QA’s approaches focuses on what processes have been made and carried out by the study program in its activities of providing quality educational services.
“In fact, the existence of AUN-QA will allow us exchange our students because those who have been certified AUN-QA should (already) have the same level,” said Inco.
Inco and Rizaldi also revealed that the AUN-QA assessment is a certification with a holistic approach in the sense that it pays attention to various comprehensive aspects both on campus and around it.
In the midst of the current limitations due to the pandemic and through a fairly long process, the three study programs of UMN have finally been declared to have passed the feasibility assessment by AUN-QA. This is a special pride because it is obtained in the first participation in the assessment.
*by Virino Miracle | UMN News Service
Studying in Jakarta for the study programs of Informatics | Information System | Computer Engineering | Electrical Engineering | Engineering Physics | Accounting | Management | Strategic Communication | Journalism | Visual Communication Design | Movies and Animation | Architecture | D3 Hospitality | International Program, di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. www.umn.ac.id