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UMN Incolaboration With IWAPI (Doc. UMN)
Tangerang – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) has entered a strategic partnership with Ikatan Wanita Pengusaha Indonesia (IWAPI), the Indonesian Businesswomen’s Association, to foster entrepreneurship and support women-led enterprises. This collaboration, formalized with a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed on February 6, 2023, at the UMN campus, underscores a joint commitment to promoting economic independence and preventing poverty, particularly in the Tangerang area.
The partnership will focus on providing resources, training, and mentorship to aspiring and established female entrepreneurs, equipping them with the skills needed to grow and sustain their businesses. By enhancing the entrepreneurial ecosystem, UMN and IWAPI aim to build a supportive community where women can thrive as business leaders, contributing to the local economy and creating job opportunities for others.
In addition to skill-building initiatives, the collaboration will address barriers that women face in entrepreneurship, offering guidance on financial management, digital marketing, and strategic planning. The ultimate goal is to foster a resilient network of women-owned businesses that can adapt to market challenges, leverage technology, and make significant contributions to regional development.
Through this partnership, UMN and IWAPI are poised to make a meaningful impact on economic well-being in Tangerang. By championing female entrepreneurship and addressing poverty, this collaboration aligns with UMN’s commitment to social responsibility and community development, and IWAPI’s mission of empowering women entrepreneurs across Indonesia.
Read more: https://www.umn.ac.id/umn-menjalin-kerjasama-dengan-iwapi-mendukung-potensi-kewirausahaan/
By Putu Winata | LPPM UMN
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