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June 24, 2024DQLab Free Class Program with Ronny Fahrudin.
Tangerang – Amid the rapid development of technology today, the presence of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is considered like a modern hero who can help solve various complex problems the world faces. From helping to speed up the diagnosis process of rare diseases to predicting rapidly changing market trends, AI offers smart and efficient solutions. It also plays a vital role in improving data analysis with real-time systems and optimizing business operations with more accurate predictions than previous similar technologies. The widespread use of AI in various fields of life, from education to the environment, can create positive changes if directed appropriately. Machine Learning and AI are no longer just a trend but an urgent need to face future challenges with unlimited innovation.
DQLab provides provisions and insights through the Free Class Batch 32 program to prepare the Indonesian generation to face these challenges. One objective of this program is to accommodate beginners who want to learn data and gain a clear picture of a career in the data field.
On April 3, 2024, DQLab invited Ronny Fahrudin, a Data Scientist at Surbana Jurong Pte. Ltd to share his knowledge in this activity. Starting with an overview of daily activities as a data scientist, various roles in the data field and their work, including the required skill sets, to the career prospects in the future.
Unlike the Data Scientist presenters, Ronny explained the essence of data science in an exciting and basic way for beginners. He quoted an explanation from Onno Center that data science is a concept that unites statistics, data analysis, machine learning, and related research methods to understand and analyze actual phenomena with data.
According to Ronny, the birth of data science in this modern era has dramatically influenced and affected various aspects of life. The extensive and fast use of technology, for example, WhatsApp, e-commerce, and other daily platforms, causes an explosion of data, referred to as big data. So, data science is a form of problem-solving for these problems, and the problem solver is a Data Scientist.
Ronny also showed firsthand that the implementation of data science in everyday life today is extensive, starting with transportation technology, finance, banking, manufacturing, e-commerce, and health. For example, data science has been used in manufacturing to detect anomalies, schedule machine maintenance, and monitor manufacturing systems.
Another example closer to our daily lives is the application of Machine Learning in Google Maps products, which can provide accurate predictions of traffic flow and travel time from one place to another.
Furthermore, Ronny also explained seven data science life cycles that beginners must know. Starting from business understanding, which is used to determine goals and formulate solutions to problems to be solved, data mining is used to collect and sort data. Third, data cleansing is used to clean and tidy up the data that will be used. Fourth, data exploration tests its validity with descriptive statistics, finds patterns, etc. It is essential for beginners who want to master Machine Learning to understand and master this process.
Fifth, featuring engineering to develop and select features that will be used to analyze data or create Machine Learning models. This stage can basically be combined into one stage with data exploration. Sixth, predictive modeling is used to perform machine learning predictions. Finally, data visualization is used to create reports in the form of dashboards and others, using the main tools of Python and SQL.
Based on the 7 data science life cycles, Ronny believes that the most common types of jobs are Data Scientist, Business Intelligence, and ML/AI Engineer, compared to Data Scientist and Engineer. Not only that, he also shared seven mandatory skill sets that beginners must master to pursue a career as a professional Data Scientist, ML/AI Engineer, and Business Intelligence.
Starting from statistics and analysis skills, data mining, machine learning, and Deep Learning principles, in-depth programming knowledge with various tools, loop-based analytics, data optimization, decision-making, and other soft skills such as communication to problem-solving.
The last point Ronny delivered was the career prospects in the data field, such as the salary that can be obtained at the entry-level, starting from Rp6,000,000, to the senior level, which reaches Rp30,000,000 in Indonesia.
Therefore, Ronny recommends that beginners who want to optimize their career preparation as a Data Scientist or ML/AI Engineer attend various courses or training to hone their skills in the data field. One is through DQLab’s Machine Learning & AI for Beginner Bootcamp program.
The learning curriculum in this program has been comprehensively adapted to the industry’s needs with professional mentors and uses interactive and effective learning methods. How interesting is that? Visit https://dqlab.id/bootcamp-machine-learning-and-ai-for-beginner for more information!
By Lisya Zuliasyari | DQLab
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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