Creating Synergy with Alumni through The MIKOM 2024 Alumni Gathering
May 27, 2024
UMN and KONI Sign a MoU for Cooperation
May 27, 2024Joint Photo Session (Doc. UMN)
Tangerang – KOICA’s visit to Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) on (22/24) was attended by KOICA Vice President Sohn Jung Mee. This visit was filled with discussions and campus visits to see KOICA’s labs and facilities at UMN.
UMN warmly welcomed KOICA’s arrival again. Previously, KOICA and South Korea’s Deputy Minister of International Development Cooperation, Hahn Gyeong-Phil, visited UMN to review the Smart Factory & Cloud-Big Data program. The previous visit also included lab checks and joint discussions.
This visit was held on Wednesday (22/24) and attended by KOICA and UMN representatives. From KOICA: Sohn, Jung-Mee as Vice President of KOICA Center, Ra Kap-Chae as Head of KOICA, Jeong, Yun-Gil as Country Director of KOICA Indonesia, Lee Jeong-Wook as Deputy Country Director of KOICA Indonesia, Kim, Hyung-Seo KOICA staff. From UMN: Dr. Ninok Leksono, M.A, Dr. Friska Natalia, S.Kom., M.T, Dr. Ir. Andrey Andoko, Ika Yanuarti, S.E., M.S.F, and Prof. Dr. Muliawati Siswanto, M.Eng.Sc.
The event was opened by Tracce UMN, performing the Nandak Jantik Dance from Betawi as a welcome dance to KOICA and remarks from the UMN rector as an opening discussion.
“I am very grateful for the arrival of KOICA and the extension of this program. I think this program is very important, because education in Indonesia is still uneven and there is still a lack of awareness of the importance of education. Hopefully this program can be as expected,” Ninok said.
During the discussion, KOICA Vice President Sohn Jung-Mee expressed his appreciation and gratitude for UMN’s efforts in running this beneficial program. Therefore, KOICA is ready to support the sustainability and development of this program to ensure that more college graduates will benefit from it.
“I am very grateful to everyone involved in today’s program and event. This program is perfect for the industry today. We from KOICA are very supportive. I myself am satisfied with this training program. I hope this program can continue to develop and expand so that there will be more cooperation between Indonesia and South Korea,” said Sohn Jung-Mee.
The KOICA program with UMN will continue until the end of 2026, and the funding renewal totals 750 USD. The continued development of this program indicates that the Indonesian people’s interest in technology is still large and can continue to be honed.
“It is hoped that the extension of the KOICA program can benefit Indonesia and add jobs in Indonesia. Hopefully UMN together with Koica and Silla University can continue to develop this program and can help Indonesia,” continued Sohn Jung-Mee.
This discussion also discussed KOICA programs that have been well implemented in UMN. One of the established programs is Smart Factory and Factory Cloud. As for the discussion of new learning that will be emphasized, namely Artificial Intelligence, many college graduates in Greater Jakarta have benefited from the free training provided by UMN and KOICA.
“Indeed, the program will still be the same as before, there is no change, but we want to add new material about artificial intelligence, because looking at current developments, I think AI is quite important,” Andrey Andoko said in an interview.
In addition to the discussion, there was also a campus tour to see the facilities from KSU4IRTC, which were created in collaboration between KOICA, Silla University, and UMN for training, a visit to the Global Office, and demonstrations in the smart factory and Cloud Factory laboratories that have been created. UMN hopes that the collaboration with KOICA and Silla University can continue and grow in the future.
By Rachel Tiffany Kusuma | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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