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February 26, 2024Providing Inventory Assistance to the UMN Mapala Club by KAMI UMN with the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs (Doc. UMN)
Tangerang, February 16, 2024 – The Alumni Family of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (Keluarga Alumni Universitas Multimedia Nusantara/KAMI UMN) has again contributed to campus activities. Eight Student Organizations/Clubs were invited to receive assistance in the form of inventory tools and equipment. The Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, Ika Yanuarti, attended the handover ceremony.
Excitement filled the Diagram Hub room of Building C, 5th Floor of UMN, when KAMI UMN administrators distributed aid in the form of necessities to representatives of the UMN student clubs. This is a form of contribution made by alums to the campus. Assistance like this has previously been provided several times by KAMI UMN to several departments in UMN.
“This assistance aims to show the contribution of UMN alumni, that WE still pay attention to the alma mater even though we have graduated. One of them is assisting the student clubs. The student club is a community with many members; through this contribution, more students can be aware of the existence & attention of KAMI UMN,” explained Fakhri Dinansyah, the creator and person in charge of the chairman of KAMI UMN.
Previously, each student club had submitted a list of items they needed to support their activities. With a structured process, KAMI UMN then provides assistance to these student clubs. Some student clubs participating in this activity were Trace, Taekwondo, Lions Badminton, Futsal, Lions Volley, Capoeira, Rencang, and Mapala.
“The Student Development & Alumni Relations team initiated to provide assistance to student clubs, where student clubs were then asked to submit any equipment assistance needed by them according to a predetermined ceiling or budget limit. Furthermore, the submission is curated so that selected student clubs and equipment that meet the criteria can be distributed,” Fakhri added.
Some of the equipment assistance provided by KAMI UMN includes:
- Tracce: speakers,
- Taekwondo: pecing pad, protector,
- Lions Badminton: shuttlecock, futsal ball, net goal.
- Lions Volley: volley net, volley net antenna,
- Capoeira: windbag, gymnastic mat,
- Rencang: portable speaker,
- Mapala: microphone, round roller kaber, compass, and stove.
The inventory assistance distributed by KAMI UMN allows student clubs to complete their operational needs and an entry point that expands their knowledge about KAMI UMN and the alums’s contributions to campus progress.
“The inventory assistance program from KAMI UMN benefits student clubs in carrying out their activities. With the support from KAMI UMN in the form of providing goods or facilities to student clubs, we feel that UMN alumni still care about student activities,” said Ibrahim Zaidan, the Science and Social student club supervisor.
Ibrahim also expressed his hopes, expressing confidence that this assistance would provide additional encouragement for student clubs to develop optimally per their respective focuses and fields of activity.
The hope is not only limited to improving the quality of the student clubs’ activities but also strengthening the relationship between UMN students and alumni. With this strong collaboration between the two parties, it is hoped that a supportive environment will be created for academic development and professionalism at UMN.
By Ivana Auliya | UMN News Team
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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