20 UMN Students Get IISMA Scholarships to the World’s Top Universities, What’s the Secret?
May 9, 2023
Stay Hydrated. Bring Your Own Bottle.
May 9, 2023Photo with the submission of KAMI UMN’s contribution to the Communication Science Study Program. (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – The Alumni Family (Keluarga Alumni) of Multimedia Nusantara University (KAMI UMN) gifts communication laboratory equipment to the Communication Science Study Program and the UMN Journalism Study Program as a form of dedication and attention from alums to the alma mater, especially for the study program where they study. It was held at the UMN Faculty of Communication Sciences (FIKOM UMN) room, Building A, 6th floor, on Wednesday (5/4/2023).
This occasion was also attended by UMN Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Ika Yanuarti, UMN External Student Affairs Manager Elfira Fitri Wahyono, Head of Communication Science Cendera Rizky, Faculty of Communication Science lecturer Theresia Lolita, Head of Journalism Bintang Nusantara, Secretary of Journalism Study Program, and KAMI UMN representative Eunike Iona Saptanti (Communication Science Alumni Class of 2012).
The contribution given materially and morally proves active alum support for developing UMN’s study programs and active students.
The items provided by KAMI UMN are equipment supporting the practical activities of the Communication Science Study Program, such as HDMI cables and switchers. For the Journalism Study Program, they provided studio condenser mics, audio jacks, and adjustable boom arm stand mic holders, which can be used for practical activities.
Group photo with KAMI UMN’s contribution to the Journalism Study Program. (Doc. UMN)
All contributions given are tailored to the needs of each study program. The specifications of the goods are determined by the Head of the Study Program and with the approval of the Dean.
Elfira explained that the customization was intended so that all items provided could be in accordance with the needs of the study program so that they could be useful for daily teaching and learning activities.
“The purpose of making this contribution is so that KAMI UMN can contribute to its alma mater. So the term is ‘back to campus’ by providing useful equipment to study programs, and alumni do not forget their alma mater. Because during college, they gained a lot of knowledge in the study program, so now is the time to give back a little to the program,” Ika said.
Ika hopes that in the future, this contribution will take place regularly and, together with KAMI UMN, will periodically ask the study program regarding the needs of the study program. The needs that the study programs can submit may vary, not limited to lab equipment but also in the form of non-academic facilities, such as arts and sports, knowledge sharing needs by presenting guest lecturers from alums.
In addition, the Communication Science and Journalism Study Program would like to thank KAMI UMN for the contribution of laboratory equipment provided. The plan is that the equipment will be used by each study program to support students in practicing and producing communication media content. The study programs also hope that more alums will be called to contribute to their alma mater.
By Lusy Audyna & Annisa Maulida
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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