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September 21, 2022Tangerang – Python, has become a widely discussed topic by the community or tech savvy, especially in the field of Data Science. We can easily find discussions related to Python on various media, both websites and social media. Many workshops and other training are held to discuss the use of the Python programming language in the data industry. Collaborating with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) through the Digital Talent Scholarship program, DQLab, through an online Live session, on March 14, 2022, invites beginners with various educational backgrounds to learn Python as a popular programming language. Shella Theresya Pandiangan, a Data Scientist at the Digitalization and Command Center United Tractor Pandu Engineering, a member of Astra, presented this live session.
Shella opened the discussion by sharing the potential of data in the 4.0 era. She revealed that there were statements from state institutions that said data is now more valuable than oil. A statement supports this that states data can help every sector and line of business to obtain information aimed at business development and other policies.
Having an educational background in Engineering Physics caused Shella to switch careers to become a Data Scientist. According to her, Data Science can be learned by everyone with various backgrounds. She also explained the many professions in the data field. Generally, the occupations in the field of Data Science that are often known by many are Data Scientists, Data Analysts, and Data Engineers.
“Data Scientist is a profession that tends to use the skills of mathematics, programming, and modeling. While the Data Engineer, the term is that if you want to build a house, you must have an architect. Now, when the Data Scientist and Data Analyst need data, the Data Engineer has already prepared the necessary data. As for Data Analysts, you must have skills in statistics, communication, and business knowledge,” Shella explained.
Talking about the roles and skills required by the three professions, Shella revealed that there is one programming language that needs to be learned. The programming language is Python which will later be adapted to the role of each profession.
“One of the programming languages that needs to be learned is Python. Each data team has differences and limitations in using Python, all according to their respective roles,” Shella said.
Python is becoming a popular programming language in the field of Data Science. Based on data from Google Trends, internationally, from August 2020 to April 2021, the most popular programming language is Python. Python is very popular because it is open source, easy to build and create libraries, and has a simple syntax that makes the process more productive. Python implementations also vary, including in the analytical area.
“For example, I work as a Data Scientist. Python is essential because it is used for Machine Learning and Deep Learning,” Shella said.
Jobs in the data field are increasingly popular with the development of the digital era. This also causes skills in the field of Data Science to be increasingly needed. Based on data disclosed by Shella in an article entitled “10 of The Most In-Demand Data Science Skills in 2021,” she revealed that amongst all the programming languages, understanding Python is a skill that is in the first place, followed by SQL and R.
Shella also invited the participants to apply the use of Python in this live session directly. Closing the live session, she told the participants not to worry about working in the data field without an IT background and continue to deepen the skills needed.
“A data career is promising. Even a job in Data Science is predicted to be the sexiest job. So if you want to take part, you must continue to develop the needed skills, including Python,” Shelle said, closing the session.
Python has become an indispensable programming language in the field of Data Science. Beginners without an IT background don’t need to worry. Practice your competence and hone Python skills more easily with DQLab. For more detailed information, you can visit the following link https://dqlab.id/.
By Theresia Saragi | DQlab
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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