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August 17, 2022Information on UMN’s scholarships in the UMN E-brochure year 2021-2022 (source: umn.ac.id)
One of the considerations for many people to study or choose a campus is the availability of scholarship programs. Studying with a scholarship program is often a dream for many people because the cost of studying is not cheap. Not to mention some prospective students have to migrate to a different city or country to study, having to deal with additional expenses.
Therefore, finding and getting scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate programs is a promising option for some people. In this article, we will explain several scholarship options available at private campuses in Tangerang.
Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) is one of the private campuses in Tangerang that offers various scholarships for prospective students with diverse backgrounds. Scholarships provided by UMN are also available for all undergraduate majors at UMN. Curious? Let’s see the details regarding the scholarship paths available at UMN.
Academic Achievement Scholarship
This pathway offers scholarships in the form of tuition relief for prospective high school or vocational high school graduates who have high academic achievements in class XI semester 2. This pathway offers a reduction in entry fees ranging from 30% to 100%. For those of you who are interested in this scholarship, you can apply directly to the UMN campus or online by filling out the registration form and providing a copy of your class X and XI report cards (semesters 1 – 4), two recent colored photographs measuring 4x6cm, and a letter from the Principal regarding the rank obtained in class XI semester 2.
Also, suppose the document you submit has met the evaluation standards of the UMN New Student Admissions Committee (PMB). In that case, you can also be directly accepted at UMN without taking any tests and getting Grade A (the cheapest starting fee offered by UMN). This path is perfect for those who excel academically and consistently rank high in high or vocational high school.
Also read: UMN Academic Path Requirements
Scholarships in Sports and Arts
If you feel that the Academic Path is unsuitable for you, you can also try registering yourself through the Scholarships in the Field of Sports and Arts available at UMN. This pathway offers scholarships in the form of lower entry fees for prospective high school or vocational high school graduates with sports/art achievements. For those of you who have won a competition of at least third place at the provincial level (individual or team), this scholarship path is worth trying.
To apply for this scholarship at the UMN campus, you can provide these documents: copies of class X, XI, and XII (semester 1) report cards, a copy of your Student Card/ID Card (1 sheet), a copy of your Family Card (1 sheet), the Certificate from the Principal, a copy of your championship certificate, and the latest colored passport (2 sheets). For those who want to register online, you can fill out this registration form and send the documents (via expedition/logistics services) to the UMN campus.
Also read: UMN Scholarship Pathway.
Scholarships for Children of Teachers/Principals & Scholarships for Children of Employees/School Staff
UMN also appreciates the dedication of teachers and school employees/staff or educational institutions for their services in educating the nation’s children. Therefore, UMN also provides scholarships in the form of a 50% direct entry fee discount for children of teachers/principals and a 30% entry fee discount for the children of employees/staff in public/private high schools or vocational high schools.
You can apply directly (onsite) to the UMN campus or online via this registration form to get this scholarship opportunity. There are several documents that you must attach or send: copies of class X, XI report cards, family cards, and letters of appointment/assignment of your parent(s) as teachers or letters of appointment/assignments as employees/staff at public/private high school/vocational schools. After completing the registration, you will also be selected through report cards and (or) take further academic tests. For those who feel you are eligible to apply for this scholarship path, don’t waste this opportunity!
Also read: UMN E-brochure 2021-2022.
Sibling Scholarship
For prospective high school / vocational high school graduates who want to study at UMN and have siblings studying at UMN, UMN also offers direct scholarships with a 30% tuition fee discount. But you still have to meet the specified general academic requirements.
To register through this route, the documents you need are a copy of your class X and XI report cards and a copy of your family card that states the relationship between siblings.
Science Olympiad Scholarship
For those who have achievements in the field of science by participating in and (or) having achievements in the National Science Olympiad and/or Internationally, UMN also appreciates your achievements by providing scholarships in the form of a tuition fee discount from 50% to 100% plus free semester tuition. 1. In addition, you also have the right to be directly accepted into UMN without taking an additional entrance test. You can learn the full terms and conditions via the Science Olympiad Scholarship Pathway link.
Scholarship Test-Path
For those who feel that they don’t suit the provisions of the scholarship pathways shared above, don’t worry because UMN also provides a scholarship test path that anyone of you can take. By taking this scholarship test, you can get a scholarship opportunity in the form of a base fee discount ranging from 30% to 100% plus free tuition for semester 1 (specifically majoring in Architecture, DKV, Film, and D3 Hospitality).
There is also a 30% to 100% entry fee discount + free tuition for 8 semesters until graduation (specifically majoring in Informatics, Information Systems, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Accounting, Management, Strategic Communication, and Journalism).
Also read: Scholarship Test-Path.
It doesn’t end there. UMN also provides Government Scholarship opportunities, such as Affirmation Scholarships (Adik Papua and West Papua), Smart Indonesia Card (Kartu Indonesia Pintar/KIP), Kemendikbud Excellence Scholarships, and so on. There are also Corporate Scholarships from the Salim Foundation, A&A Rachmat Foundation – PT Adaro Indonesia, PT Laku Emas Indonesia, BRI, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, and many more. For more information about Government Scholarships and Corporate Scholarships available at UMN, you can access them on the following page: UMN Scholarship Info.
For those who are still curious and want to know more about the UMN campus, the majors at UMN, the environment and accommodation, to the curriculum and courses at UMN, you can directly contact and chat now with UMN Education Counselors via the link: Our Education Counselor.
Those are some of the information you must know if you are looking for a scholarship at a private campus located in Tangerang. UMN can be an option for you because of the many scholarships you can take advantage of.
By Virino Miracle | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
Kuliah di Jakarta untuk jurusan program studi Informatika| Sistem Informasi | Teknik Komputer | Teknik Elektro | Teknik Fisika | Akuntansi | Manajemen| Komunikasi Strategis | Jurnalistik | Desain Komunikasi Visual | Film dan Animasi | Arsitektur | D3 Perhotelan , di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. www.umn.ac.id