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FSD UMN and FIK Telkom University conducted a comparative study at the UMN campus. (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – Representatives of the Faculty of Creative Industries (Fakultas Industri Kreatif/FIK) from Telkom University visited Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) to conduct a comparative study with the Faculty of Art and Design (Fakultas Seni dan Desain/FSD) UMN, on Wednesday (22/6/22).
This meeting was held to start a cooperative relationship in terms of student exchanges, seminars, research, and Independent Learning Independent Campus (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka/MBKM) between FSD UMN and FIK Telkom University.
Both parties well-received this comparative study visit. At this event, UMN representatives presented about UMN and UMN FSD’s facilities, programs, and academic uniqueness. Guests from Telkom University were also invited to tour the UMN campus.
“I am delighted to be accepted by UMN friends,” Dr. Roro Retno Wulan, the Dean of the Telkom University Creative Industry Study Program, said.
During the visit, Roro and the lecturers of FIK Telkom University explained that from this comparative study, FIK Telkom University, or more precisely the Visual Communication Design (VCD) study program of Telkom University, wanted to find its uniqueness by learning from VCD UMN.
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From the FSD of UMN, namely the film, animation, and VCD study programs, explained their brief history, learning schemes, MBKM, internships, and final assignments, and provided examples of student work from each study program.

The representatives of FIK Telkom University and FSD UMN conducted a discussion. (Doc. UMN)
In short, one of the unique things about the UMN FSD lecture scheme is that the final project or thesis is included in semester 5 or 6. This is done because the consideration that the time needed for students to complete their final projects can be maximized, and after passing the class, they can undergo internships and work.
“We still allow final assignments to be done in semester 8, but in the last semester, we let them go for internships with the assumption that they like the company they are interning in and vice versa. They can continue to work there and wouldn’t need to come back (to the UMN campus) for all kinds of final assignments,” Kus Sudarsono, the Head of the Film Study Program at UMN, said.
Meanwhile, from the UMN VCD study program, Natasha Violeta, the Interaction Design Specialization Coordinator, explained the division of VCD at UMN. The VCD department of UMN has divisions: visual brand design and interaction design, green screen facilities, and game design laboratories.
“In the VCD department of UMN, students are not only taught to produce works and problem solving, but are also taught how to implement them,” Violeta said.
UMN representatives also presented examples of the works produced by the VCD students. For instance, in the animation study program, there are several unique works with their characteristics. There are animated works that feature real-life stories about former soccer athletes who failed to become civil servants, animated musicals, animated advertisements, and a 3D local theme about cockfighting.
From the implementation of the work, FSD UMN has an annual activity called IMAGO. This activity includes film, animation, VCD, and architecture study programs. The activity consists of a series of seminars, workshops, and an exhibition of the final project of the Faculty of Art & Design students.
After presenting, the two parties from FSD UMN and FIK Telkom University conducted a tour around the UMN campus and took a group photo before ending the visit.
By Iglo Montana | UMN News Service
Also read: 10 Jurusan Kuliah Potensial di Era Digital | Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
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