UMN Lecturer Research Team Receives Grant Funding from the Decentralization Program and the Follow-Up Program for the 2022 Fiscal Year
June 2, 2022
101 Visual Communication Design
June 2, 2022 Theodore Daniel shares his experience after graduating from UMN. (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – The Students Association of Architecture of UMN (Himpunan Mahasiswa Arsitektur Universitas Multimedia Nusantara/HIMARS UMN) conducted the 7th “Sharing Through Experience” (S.Ars 7) through a Zoom meeting on Friday (13/05/22). This webinar invited several UMN Architecture graduates to share their work experiences after graduating from UMN.
This S.Ars 7 webinar invited four keynote speakers, namely Theodore Daniel (2015), Michelle Faustine (2016), Catherine Mulyadi (2017), and Stephanie Vania (2017). They presented their materials and shared their experiences taking their master’s degree and working after graduating from UMN.
Theo delivered the first sharing, and his work experiences are pretty unique. He worked as content director at the fashion company Orbit Gear. In his work, Theo leads marketing campaigns, manages team schedule & performance, SOPs, financial reports, websites, and social media campaigns.
“Yes, even though what I do has nothing to do with my degree, my passion is still in architecture and design. I will not that let go,” said Theo.
Theo’s current job position actually has something to do with his high school background, where he is passionate about photography. He eventually shared how he eventually fell in love with architecture, which was when he was working as an intern at Atelier BAOU. He acted on his love of architecture and established his own freelance design company, Atelier Ten+, with his friends (Naufal, Ghina, and Fadya).
“We all work on the project not only to make it look good or Instagrammable, but also to solve cliental problems,” Theo said, sharing the principles of his design firm.
They also made several master plans for architectural buildings, such as the CSR program to construct a mosque in the New Saloka area and the design studio event management Multimedia Nusantara Polytechnic (MNP). He also showed a visual of his portfolio as a part of co-studying at the S.Ars 7 webinar.
“Sometimes, wherever you are, whatever field you are in, the knowledge you earned when studying will definitely be used. Whether directly or indirectly,” he said.
Michelle Faustine with several S.Ars 7 webinar participants. (Doc. UMN)
Michelle then continues the presentation. In contrast to Theo and the other speakers, she is currently continuing her master’s degree in Architecture focusing on tropical architecture at Diponegoro University (Undip), Semarang.
“I wanted this master’s degree and wished to become a lecturer in the future,” Michelle said.
Michelle explained that she wanted to become a lecturer. Apart from reading, studying, and seeking new knowledge, she found joy in sharing her knowledge with her classmates and other people.
Michelle advised those who want to continue their master’s degree to seek information first. Applying to a master’s program is not too difficult. It’s similar to applying to an undergraduate program. You’ll do logic tests, basic mathematics, and interview tests. The lectures are also the same depending on the majors taken; the focus in Master’s education is solely on studying.
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“If you want to continue and take your master’s degree, don’t delete your study materials in your undergraduate program. A Master’s degree is easier because it deepens whatever you studied in your undergraduate program and is also more concise,” she continued.
Catherine then continued the presentation. She shared tips on landing a job after graduating by displaying visuals and memes. She said that during the holidays of the 7th and 8th semesters, she worked as an intern at the Building Management division of UMN. But as she felt like she needed more experience, she continued working as an intern during her final semester. She stopped working as an intern for UMN approximately 1,5 months prior to her Final Project Defense.
Catherine Mulyadi included funny memes when sharing her experience at the S.Ars 7 webinar. (Doc. UMN)
Even so, Catherine had experienced a mental breakdown due to her internship and college final project. However, the struggle did not betray the results; she finally passed and graduated.
The first couple of months after her Final Project Defense, she enjoyed her free time and relaxed. She then started looking for jobs in the field of architecture and landed a job at Bias – Tekno Art Kreasindo. At that time, there was an available position as an interior design & drafter for Revit (a software application for making working drawings and 3D models). She is still working at that company to this day.
She then continued sharing tips on getting and keeping a job. First, ensure that you match the requirements and needs of the company. Second, be confident during interviews and do enough research about the company you are applying for. Third, prove yourself through your work performance. Catherine ended her presentation by reminding fellow architectural students to understand the differences between working in a studio and a corporate company.
Stephanie conducted the fourth session. She shared about her first ten months into her architectural journey. After graduating, she suddenly felt free and had plenty of time to think about various things.
“I thought about whether I should continue my studies in architecture? Will it have a positive impact? Will I enjoy it? These were all my thoughts at that moment,” Stephanie continued.
However, due to the seriousness of the COVID-19 virus, Stephanie decided to take her time staying at home. During that time, she often shared her thoughts and feelings with her friends, seniors, and even lecturers on managing to move forward.
Stephanie also tries new things, such as publishing her works and participating as an intern that allows working from home (WFH). She also remained optimistic about all freelance opportunities that she feels are suitable. In addition, Stephanie also emphasized the importance of a portfolio.
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Stephanie Vania (left) and Catherine (right) sharing their experiences after graduating from UMN. (Doc. UMN)
Currently, Stephanie works at Airmas Asri (a junior architect institution). She also shared some tips she implemented to build a portfolio: provide complete information on resumes, make a solid and clear table of contents, include selected works that match the needs of the company you are applying for, and include certifications or recommendations you may have.
“Just try to do it. I believe that sooner or later, the opportunity will come,” Stephanie concluded.
*by Iglo Montana | UMN News Service
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