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Chelsea Austine in Asia World Model United Nation (dok. AWMUN) 2022.
TANGERANG – Chelsea Austine, a Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) Digital Journalism Study Program student, class of 2019, became the representative of the Mozambique state delegation at the Asia World Model United Nation (AWMUN) 2022. This event is one of the United Nations simulation models participated by teenagers in all countries made up of the world delegation of the United Nations (UN), held in Bali on 25-28 February 2022.
This year AWMUN raised two agendas from the two councils of the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF. Chelsea took the WHO agenda with the topic “Addressing Mental Health Crisis in Children and Adolescents.” This started from her interest in mental health problems and being close to people who experience them.
The country of Mozambique was one of the options chosen by Chelsea. She explained that countries in Africa, such as the country she chose, attracted attention because mental health cases there were rarely discussed and brought up.
“So we want to know their views on this case are and whether they believe in it. So there is a challenge because it is different from other developed countries, maybe mental health is something normal,” Chelsea said.
Chelsea researched the country of Mozambique about the problems in their hospitals and other facilities. It is a challenge for Chelsea to find information on how the citizens of Mozambique think about mental health. About 60% of the research data obtained found that the people there do not meet the living standards and have to think about mental health.
Before the event, she is required to make a position paper containing the conditions of the country represented, how that country faces the existing problems, and provide a solution to be proposed when negotiating with delegates from other countries.
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Chelsea had problems collecting data because the country did not have up-to-date information. However, she kept searching by collecting everything she got from google, google scholar, and journals and summarizing the information collected.

Chelsea Austine to represent Mozambique in Asia World Model United Nation (doc. AWMUN)
“It’s very challenging because it’s something that is common to us, suddenly having to be there and learning about it is quite difficult. But the difficulty can be overcome, the important thing is that we learn,” he said.
Chelsea explained that forum simulations could add knowledge, skills, and personal experience because we do not encounter experiences like this on campus in the ordinary learning process.
“The campus is for learning, and experiences like this are outside the regular learning on campus and schools, making this opportunity an expensive experience. So if you have the opportunity, just follow it, don’t be too afraid,” she continued.
Chelsea hopes that there will be more participation from UMN students in the future. Because from the event, many skills were honed, such as critical thinking, negotiating with other countries, public speaking to convince delegates from other countries, and providing solutions.
*by Annisa Maulida | UMN News Service
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