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Psikolog klinis, Anggita Hotna Panjaitan (kiri) bersama pemandu acara (kanan) (dok. UMN)
TANGERANG – It doesn’t matter what gender or background someone has, violence in relationships can happen to anyone. According to the Women’s Commission, in 2021, there have been 1.309 reports on assaults that occur in romantic relationships. Therefore, how can we build a healthy and romantic relationship?
To help shed light on the issue, the Student Support division of Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) held a webinar titled “#RelationshipGoals: Let’s Learn How To Build Healthy and Romantic Relationships” on Saturday (19/2). This event also invited Anggita Hotna Panjaitan, a clinical psychologist, as a keynote speaker.
For approximately an hour, Anggita shared her detailed insights about the issue. She touched on how to build a healthy and romantic relationship and recognize violence in romantic relationships. At the end of the session, Anggina also held a discussion session with the participants of the webinar.
“A safe environment makes us find people that are able to build a healthy relationship. When you are in a healthy relationship, you will realize it yourself.” Anggita said.
Anggita expressed that communication is key when building a healthy relationship. There are so many problems that can occur when miscommunication happens. She shared that to have a healthy communication in relationships, people need to practice calm and non-emosional communication, empathy, respecting each other’s values and boundaries, and offer a win-win solution.

Perbedaan relasi romantis yang sehat dan tak sehat (dok. UMN)
Furthermore, Anggita also explained that an imbalance of power and lack of open communication in romantic relationships are unhealthy. In addition, there are also feelings of wanting to change partners, insecurity, and unconditional love in this unhealthy relationship.
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“Stop having the mentality to be a savior. We are not a savior,” stresses Anggita.
Lastly, Anggita shared that an interpersonal relationship is also essential to have a healthy and romantic relationship. To build a healthy interpersonal relationship, respecting differences in boundaries and values is vital. This can help prevent violence in romantic relationships.
“If any of you have friends that can’t be reached, always in a bad mood since dating, please check on them! Ask about how they’re doing. Please care more about others,” Anggita said.
UMN Friends can also contact UMN Student Support if you want a counseling session. In addition to that, Student Support also provides training on psychology, thematic webinars, psychological test to transfer to a different study program, peer counselors, and group counseling.
If you are interested in the entire webinar “#RelationshipGoals: Let’s Learn How To Build A Healthy and Romantic Relationship,” you can visit the link below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPRwlaEpg0o
*by Melinda Chang – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara News Service
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