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Meylissa Priscilla as Lazada Indonesia’s Senior Brand Creative Manager (right) as a speaker at the Startalk Skystar Ventures webinar. (doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – Skystar Ventures held a Startalk webinar session with the topic “Developing Creative Ads Engaging Startup Audiences”. Also invited Meylissa Priscilla as Lazada Indonesia’s Senior Brand Creative Manager as a speaker. This event was held online via Zoom, Tuesday (26/10/2021)
Digital content advertising has a significant impact on startup development. Conversions in the form of engagements, impressions, and actions must result from content ads that cost money. Therefore we need a way to create creative content ads that can guarantee and increase these conversions.
According to Meylissa, there are three important things to create attractive advertisements, namely inspiring people to know more about our brand, building connections to get fundamental values, and making the audience get experience from our brand.
“We have to inspire people to want to know more about us (the brand). If we have inspired how we connect to our target audience. Then let them feel what you can offer to the audience, whether you can touch or feel the brand or product that you offer in a unique way because that is quite crucial for consumers,” he continued.
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Meylissa also explains that there are four key elements. First, the introduction by realizing the importance of attractive advertising and how people absorb it. Second, understand the main indicators by studying the formulations that affect advertising. Third, measurement by determining the success of advertising. Fourth, identify the basic elements that affect the results by understanding the basic elements that must be considered in creating advertisements on social media.
“Listen to your audience, because audience is king. So you have to know what the audience’s behavior is like, from waking up to sleeping again, you have to understand that,” he concluded.
By Annisa Maulida | UMN News Service
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