UMN Students Lead Banten in World Clean Up Day 2018
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TANGERANG – In order to foster environmental concerns, KODAM JAYA / JAYAKARTA held a Bakti and Social Service Work at Sentiong Market, Tuesday (24/7). This social service is done by cleaning the environment around the market that looks rundown. Not only include all tni members, this social service also cooperates with some people. Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) became one of the participating institutions by sending 25 students to participate in this activity.
This event received more enthusiasm from UMN students. Not long ago this announcement was disseminated through student email, the quota needed to follow this activity was immediately met.
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Student Development staff, Andri Seto Baskoro said that this activity became one of the activities that received more enthusiasm from students. He did not expect that UMN students would be invited to care about the environment by cleaning the market area.
“I think umn students who are mostly from urban areas do not want to clean in a dirty place. It turns out that there is actually totality to clean up, “he said.
With 500 participants, this activity lasted for 2 hours.
Seto argues that the TNI activities that cooperate with all communities are very helpful to awareness of the surrounding environment. He said that so far it is not uncommon for people not to realize that there are still slum environments and disturb our comfort.
With the involvement of UMN students in activities like this, Seto also hopes that students can see the surrounding environment that is not always the same. He also wants similar activities that can be organized by UMN students as a form of gratitude that they can still get a decent life.
“Play far away, let our eyes open to what’s going on with the environment,” Seto said. (*/YC)
*by R. Adrianus Dwi Octaviano Pramudita – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara News Service
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