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Virtually, the beating of gongs is carried out as an official marker of the establishment of the MNP (doc. MNP inauguration)
Tangerang, September 18, 2021 – After establishing Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) in 2006, Foundation Multimedia Nusantara re-built Multimedia Nusantara Polytechnic (MNP). Revealed by Chairman of Multi Media Nusantara Foundation Ir. Teddy Surianto, MNP is part of the vision of the founders, Jakob Oetama and P.K. Ojong, in educating and enlightening indonesian society.
“The vision of the pioneering Kompas Gramedia (KG) inspired the Multi Media Nusantara Foundation to establish MNP. This is where MNP will carry out the mission of KG’s pioneering vision, which is to educate and enlighten the people of Indonesia through superior vocational education based on Information Communication Technology (ICT) and creative industries,” teddy explained the purpose and hope of the establishment of this polytechnic.
Carrying the theme of the inauguration of “Collaboration for Indonesian Vocational”, Teddy believes that collaboration is the key to the success of achieving the vision and mission of MNP. In addition, collaboration is a form of alignment with the Belajar Kampus Merdeka program launched by the Ministry of Cultural Education Research and Technology.

Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia, Nadiem Makarim gave a speech (doc. MNP inauguration)
Online, Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Nadiem Anwar Makarim stated that the initiative of Yayasan Multi Media Nusantara to establish Multimedia Nusantara Politechnic is a new hope to improve the quality of vocational learning in the creative industries. The establishment of the MNP will be the answer to our need for creative industry players who are not only creative but also have managerial competence and the ability to innovate. The three programs offered by MNP are areas that are needed for the strengthening of the education ecosystem. “Strong vocational will strengthen Indonesia,” said Nadiem.
MNP was inaugurated on Saturday (18/9) by director general of vocational education, Wikan Sakarinto, S.T., M.Sc., PH.D. hybrid. Wikan congratulated the establishment of the MNP. “Our hope is that this will be one of the best vocational education in Asia in 10 years.” According to Wikan, the existence of MNP in the scope of Kompas Gramedia will form a teaching factory, a campus that is connected to the industries involved in it.
Explained by the Board of Directors of MNP Establishment Ir. Andrey Andoko, M.Sc. first MNP launched three study programs, namely Digital Animation, E-commerce Logistics, and Event Management (MICE). “The first three programs built by MNP are the scope of the growing creative industry today. These three study programs focus on the utilization of ICT as a superior competency consisting of a combination of three main literacy, namely digital literacy, human, and data,” said Andrey.
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Digital signing, MNP cooperation with schools & industry (doc. MNP inauguration)
In the creative animation industry, the Digital Animation program is a response to the fulfillment of animators’ needs in the animation industry which is now growing rapidly. Meanwhile, the E-Commerce Logistics study program is a response to changes in people’s consumption— especially in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic — that have impacted the development of electronic commerce. It is also in line with the government’s plan to encourage the digital capacity of Southeast Asia’s largest economy in the form of an electronic commerce roadmap. Similarly, the Event Management study program is closely related to the Meeting, Incentive, Convention, Exhibition (MICE) industry, which has new opportunities in the field of organizing hybrid events that require resources with good digital literacy.
MNP responsively carries out study programs relevant to the needs of the industry today. Not stopping there, the study program is accompanied by relevant and contextual learning strategies and curricula. “Project-based active learning methods conducted together with industry partners are experiential learning and are very effective in vocational higher education,” said Project Manager of MNP Roy Anthonius Susanto, S.Sn, M.Ds., CDM.

The signing of the inscription Inauguration by the Director General of Vocational Education, Wikan Sakarinto (doc. MNP inauguration)
Roy explained that in addition to learning methods, infrastructures are also designed to provide simultaneous work and learning experiences. Learners are prepared with competency standards that are complemented by portfolio and work experience from an early age. In addition to academic assessment, mental development and professional character are also important learning achievements in an effort to achieve the uniqueness of graduate profiles.
Arie Tunggal, S.T., M.Kom, Marketing &Business Development Manager of MNP explained that the concept of Link &Match cooperation with various industries carried out actively will be the backbone of vocational learning. “In the initial initiation, the signing of cooperation was carried out with Dyandra Promosindo, KGXpress, PT Multimedia Digital Nusantara, Growth Center, Brown Bag Films, Ironbird Logistic, Hotel Santika, Agate, and Loket. In addition to industry partners, MNP also initiated academic partnerships with 10 high schools and vocational schools in terms of further studies for teachers and students, continuous curriculum preparation and D2 Fast Track program development, “said Arie.

Photo Shared (doc. MNP inauguration)
The MNP campus located in Gading Serpong is built on an area of 80,000 m2 with a campus building of 13,300 m2 and consists of five floors. This campus is the initial development of an integrated area of industry and education or teaching industry. This integrated area is called Teknopolis 8 and becomes the main plan for the development of the next Multi Media Nusantara Foundation. The offline inauguration event was attended on a limited basis and with strict health protocols. Online, guests are present from various agencies, most of which are MNP collaboration partners in the future.
In the spirit of “Collaboration for Indonesian Vocational”, this inauguration is the initial milestone of MNP in collaborating and improving the competitiveness of human resources at the global level. This collaboration is also the meaning of MNP in celebrating the 76th Anniversary of Indonesian independence which carries the spirit of “Indonesia Tangguh, Indonesia Grows”.
By MNP Inauguration Team
Kuliah di Jakarta untuk jurusan program studi Informatika| Sistem Informasi | Teknik Komputer | Teknik Elektro | Teknik Fisika | Akuntansi | Manajemen| Komunikasi Strategis | Jurnalistik | Desain Komunikasi Visual | Film dan Animasi | Arsitektur | D3 Perhotelan | International Program, di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. www.umn.ac.id