For Tips on Facing the Professional World, ULTIGRAPH UMN 2021 Holds a Speech Title “Embrace the Future”
October 5, 2021
UMN 2021 Holds International Conference on Digital Communication in pandemic era
October 6, 2021
TANGERANG – The challenges of digital communication during a pandemic will test the digital communication infrastructure. The statement was conveyed by the Rector of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Dr. Ninok Leksono when opening an international conference titled COMNEWS (Conference on Communication and New Media Studies) 2021 on Tuesday (5/10).
Dr. Ninok explained that technological developments, especially new media, disrupted the superiority of old media and impacted the socio-cultural aspects of communication.
“The impact is not only on how people consume media, but also how people communicate. This pandemic poses challenges in digital communication,” he explained.
Through this international academic conference, Ninok hopes researchers can share better ways to communicate in this pandemic era.

Johnny G Plate di COMNEWS 2021
The keynote speaker of COMNEWS 2021 is Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G Plate. He assured that in the current digital era amid of covid-19 pandemic, Indonesia will strive because the country has demographic strength with 202.6 million internet users in January 2021.
To ensure the digital readiness of millions of Indonesian citizens, the government has focused on the massive development in digital infrastructure and preparing the law.
“In addition to the ICT infrastructure being built by the celular operator, the Ministry of Communication and information (Kominfo) also deployed the digital infrastructure across the Indonesia, in rural and less develop region,” said Johnny.
“Beside developing the infrastructure, we are also focusing on how to best regulate a proper governance of digital sphere,” he added.

Pembicara di COMNEWS 2021
Besides the minister, COMNEWS also presented several speakers, namely Manager of The World Bank (1996-2003) and FAO Representative (2003-2005) Dr. Ronny Adhikarya, Dean of the College of Mass Communication University of the Philippines Prof. Arminda V. Santiago, Lecturer of the Australian National University Dr. Ross Tapsell, and Deputy Chief Editor of KOMPAS Tri Agung Kristanto.
Dr. Ronny Adhikarya emphasized that the digital communication that is happening now cannot be separated from the COVID-19 pandemic. It has two sides of a coin. One side of the coin will make a transformation from industry 4.0 to smart-society 5.0. On the other side, there are challenges that arise, for instance, internet addictive disorder (IAD).
“We have to get not only covid vaccine but also you communication inoculation and belief immunization. The concept and method of communication inoculation should be incorporated into the trans-discplinary and curiculum education in all level,” suggest Dr. Ronny.
Further, Prof. Arminda V. Santiago shared her research about the emerging media and digital cinema trends in Southeast Asia. She pointed out that there is too much focus on how the technology develops from time to time but forgetting about the human.
Moreover, Dr. Ross Tapsell asked the public to contemplate the phrase from renowned scholar Marshall McLuhan: the medium is the message. He discussed that the world is being reshaped through the new media technology first before the content.
Meanwhile, Tri Agung Kristanto asserted that Digital disruption does not kill the mass media. He added that media falls are more due to failure to respond to change and mismanagement. Thus, the growth of the digital ecosystem provides opportunities.
COMNEWS is a conference held every two years by FIKOM UMN since 2016. Entering the third event, COMNEWS 2021 has the main theme “Digital Communication in an Era of Uncertainty”.
This international conference, which is supported by KOMPAS daily, Kompas.id, Bank BTPN, Wijaya Karya, ASPIKOM, APJIKI, and ISKI, is held online and can be attended by students, academics and practitioners in the field of Communication. (SA/CRA)
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