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Fika Astridianingrum, M. PSI., PSI (left) as a speaker at a Student Support webinar hosted by Yanuar Lurisa Aldio, S. PSI (right) online (doc. UMN).
Tangerang – UMN Student Support held a webinar titled “Adaptation of New Students in Pandemic Times” on Friday (8/27/21). This webinar was held to invite UMN students to adapt to lectures in the pandemic period. Presented by the Student Support team, Fika Astridianingrum, M. PSI., PSI as speaker and Yanuar Lurisa Aldio, S. PSI as the host.
The Covid-19 pandemic has made many changes from mindset to behavior change. In this adaptation process, Fika explained that it is important for students to recognize themselves and understand the roles and demands of being students: self-awareness, exploration development, and self-actualization release.
“Coming back to each of us, accepting the advantages, accepting the shortcomings, accepting the feelings that arise, the feelings of anger, the feelings of sadness, the feeling of annoyance, that is, yes. Then, friends began to realize and accept that oh, this pandemic turned out to make a lot of changes,” Fika explained.
After realizing and accepting changes, students can adjust to the circumstances experienced. Students need to form resilience or the ability to rise up and think about strategies in dealing with problems. In addition, self-regulated learning is also needed or the ability to manage the learning experience well.
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Fika Astridianingrum, M. PSI., PSI when presenting the material in the Student Support webinar (doc. UMN).
Not only new students, this webinar is also followed by umn students in the upper semester. Fika added that to get through the situation students must be based on motivation and good time management.
“For example, the lecture from 8 o’clock, okay we focus first at 8 to 5 o’clock, not if for example want to open social media or Youtube, but on the sidelines and it needs to be monitored and arranged by friends. Do not let all that be done at the same time, “said Fika.
At the end of his presentation, Fika invited UMN students to use student support services if there are problems that want to be discussed. UMN Student Support provides online and onsite counseling services, psychology-themed training, thematic seminars, psychotes moving study programs, peer counseling, and group counseling. UMN students can contact Student Support via email [email protected] or Instagram @studentsupport.umn.
*by Nadhira Annisa Rifsal | UMN News Service
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