Peran Technopreneur Di Masa Pandemi
June 9, 2021
Dinas Kesehatan Kota Tangerang Selatan bersama Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Luncurkan Aplikasi Layanan Kesehatan Masyarakat “SI PANDAI KEMAS TANGSEL”
June 11, 2021Tangerang – The Faculty of Business of Multimedia Nusantara University (FB UMN) has an opportunity to be a member of FIBAA and to apply for international accreditation. As one of the international accreditation institutions recognized by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) is recognized by the European accreditation association and the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) and has been also a member of other quality assurance associations such as ENQA, CEENQA, and INQAAHE.
FIBAA is a national and international quality assurance accreditation agency using the international standards, especially European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) as its assessment bases. At the global level, as a quality assurance agency officially recognized by various countries, including the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, and Kazakhstan, FIBAA has cooperation with many quality assurance institutions in Australia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Netherlands, Poland, and Russia. Through accreditation process, FIBAA will give its quality seal to higher education institutions and high-quality programs around the world.
The three study programs under FB UMN namely the undergraduate programs (S1) of Management and Accounting and the Master program (S2) of Technology Management have been accepted to participate in the FIBAA international accreditation process. Actually, the application process for FIBAA’s membership and accreditation has started since May 2021. Until the publication of this article, FB UMN has been successfully accepted as a member of FIBAA and has entered the preparation stage of assessment before receiving an assessment schedule.

Dean of the Faculty of Businesses of UMN, Dr. Florentina Kurniasari T., S. Sos., MBM. (dok.UMN)
The Dean of the Faculty of Business of UMN, Dr. Florentina Kurniasari T., S. Sos., MBM. explained that this FIBAA international accreditation process would take one year. This accreditation will hopefully grants the study program at FB UMN the FIBAA Seal recognition which is equivalent to the UNGGUL BAN-PT accreditation in Indonesia (the best accreditation).
“This international accreditation will assess the OBE (Outcome Based Education) ecosystem carried out by each study program, including research and international networks owned,” Sari continued.
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The quality assurance task is the responsibility of higher education institutions and FIBAA will support the higher education institutions in achieving the goal. Therefore, FIBAA can provide impetus for and promote further quality development. FIBAA will also provide academic transparency by assessing higher education institutions, business schools, and study programs and, subsequently, offer national and international standards and regulation-based studies by documenting and publishing the results. The assessment and “seal” given by FIBAA will also clearly provide an overview to the public that FB UMN is ready to provide international-standard learning.
FIBAA’s procedures at the institutional level (system and institutional accreditation) are interdisciplinary in nature to be directed at the Higher Education Institution (HEI) or other educational institutions. In the areas of program accreditation procedures and continuing education program certification procedures, FIBAA academics place special emphasis on programs in the fields of law, social sciences, and economics as well as management qualifications.
“This accreditation process will encourage graduates of the Business Faculty of UMN to be recognized for their international quality and open up opportunities for foreign students to be able to study at UMN. This international recognition will further increase the trust of all stakeholders, including the communities and industries, in the existence of study programs at the Faculty of Business UMN,” concluded Sari.
*by Annisa Maulida | UMN News Service
Studying in Jakarta for the study programs of Informatics | Information System | Computer Engineering | Electrical Engineering | Engineering Physics | Accounting | Management | Strategic Communication | Journalism | Visual Communication Design | Movies and Animation | Architecture | D3 Hospitality | International Program, di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. www.umn.ac.id