Oktober 28, 2020
Oktober 28, 2020Let’s Dance (LDNC) is a Student Activity Unit (UKM) that focuses on dancing. LDNC itself is commonly known as UKM street dance. The ultimate goal within LDNC is to become a place or forum for Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) students who are interested in the world of dance. There are various styles to be studied such as: b-boy, locking, hip-hop, ladies, popping, etc. Not only is this a dancing activity unit, but LDNC will also give you fresh experiences by appearing at various campus events. For friends who want to get new knowledge about the world of dance, LDNC always holds workshops for all of you who long to learn more about dance. Let’s grow together and become a dancer!
Official Account
• Line: @ 206rbggu
• Instagram: @streetdanceumn
• Youtube: Let’s DaNCE UMN