Quality Education

“One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world.” – Malala Yousafzai

Lifelong Learning Measures


ICE Institute






  1. Jasa Raharja Mengajar – Sosialisasi Tertib Berlalu Lintas
  2. Workshop Strategi Peningkatan Kekayaan Intelektual di Lingkungan Perguruan Tinggi
  3. Pendampingan Sertifikasi Halal Produk UMKM (2024)
  4. SID Week – Global Entrepreneurship Meeting (2024)



Equal Access and Inclusion Policy
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) is committed to upholding equality without discrimination based on ethnicity, race, religion, gender, physical ability, immigration status, or marital status. This commitment is outlined in the Employment Regulations of the Multimedia Nusantara Foundation, officially ratified by the Head of the Tangerang Regency Manpower Office, under Decree No. KEP. 4/HI.00.00/36.3603.230804008/B/II/2024.

Specifically, this is detailed in Article 13, Section 3.n, concerning conduct and behavior detrimental to the Foundation/University/Polytechnic.

The policies in place are designed to promote equitable access across various activities, supporting equal rights and opportunities for education and fair employment placement. At Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, we are committed to inclusivity, ensuring that all students, staff, and community members have access without regard to their identities. Our policy encourages a culture of mutual respect, dignity, and equal opportunity for every member of our university community, guaranteeing full and meaningful participation for all. The following key points articulate the principles of equality embedded in the Equal Access and Inclusion Policy.

As outlined in the Rector’s Decree No. 234/SK-R/VI/2022 concerning the Employment Provisions for Employees with Disabilities at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Article 4 addresses the rights of employees with disabilities. Employees with disabilities have the right to receive equal wages compared to non-disabled workers for the same job, to obtain reasonable accommodations, and to have opportunities for career advancement along with related normative rights. They are also entitled to fair, proportional, and dignified employment placement.

Establishment of the Disability Service Unit at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, as outlined in the Rector’s Decree No. 271/SK-R/VII/2022, aims to provide opportunities for students with disabilities who have not yet accessed higher education and to promote inclusivity for individuals with disabilities within the higher education system.


This policy aims to ensure that all individuals, regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability, immigration status, gender, or any other characteristic, have equal access to educational opportunities, resources, and facilities available at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN). This commitment aligns with UMN’s dedication to fostering an inclusive and equitable learning environment where diversity is celebrated, and all community members are respected.


The primary objective of this policy is to create an environment at UMN that values diversity and ensures equality. This policy is committed to eliminating any form of bias, discrimination, or prejudice in all academic, administrative, and extracurricular activities. It promotes mutual respect, dignity, and equal opportunity for all members of the university community, ensuring full and effective participation for everyone.

Scope and Applicability

This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, and visitors to UMN. The following resources and opportunities will be made equally accessible to all:

  • Academic Programs: All degree programs, certificates, and awards will be available without discrimination based on ethnicity, religion, disability, immigration status, or gender.
  • Campus Facilities and Equipment: All physical facilities and equipment on campus will be accessible to everyone, ensuring accommodations for individuals with disabilities or other needs.
  • Digital and Online Resources: UMN’s online resources, such as academic tools and research materials, will be equally available to all members of the community. Efforts will be made to provide translated content and other accommodations for individuals with language barriers or disabilities.
  • University Events and Public Engagement: All educational events, outreach activities, and public engagements organized by UMN will be inclusive and free from discrimination. Efforts will be made to ensure outreach materials are accessible and available in multiple languages.

Compliance and Accountability

All members of UMN’s community, including the administration, faculty, and staff, are responsible for implementing and upholding this policy. Any concerns or violations of this policy will be promptly addressed, with investigations conducted and corrective actions taken where necessary. Departments and units within UMN are expected to comply with the principles of this policy in their daily operations.


UMN’s Equal Access and Inclusion Committee, under the guidance of the university leadership, will be responsible for monitoring compliance with this policy. The committee will regularly assess its effectiveness and ensure that access to educational opportunities remains equitable for all.


This policy will undergo periodic reviews to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness. Any necessary revisions will be made to keep the policy aligned with UMN’s commitment to inclusion and diversity.

Training and Awareness

UMN will provide regular training to faculty, staff, and administrators on equal access, inclusion, and non-discriminatory practices. Awareness campaigns will be conducted to inform the university community about this policy and its importance in promoting a diverse and inclusive environment.

Reporting Mechanism

Individuals who experience or witness any form of discrimination or unequal access can report their concerns to the Equal Access and Inclusion Committee in writing or electronically. All reports will be handled confidentially, and appropriate actions will be taken to address the issues.


This policy will be widely communicated and made available to all members of the UMN community, including through the university’s website and at relevant events. UMN is committed to ensuring that all stakeholders are aware of and understand the principles of equal access and inclusion outlined in this policy.