SDG Commitment


Sustainability Policy

Since the establishment of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN), UMN has committed to environment conservation. UMN has considered the sustainability aspect in the development of the UMN campus. The initial aspects of sustainability are related to the environment as UMN realized to contribute to the earth. Today, the sustainability agenda faces challenges to materialize but on the other hand, it opens huge opportunities to society. This Sustainability Policy is the main component in translating the vision and mission of UMN in delivering excellent education and becoming a leading university at the International level in the area of ICT and entrepreneurship with noble character.

UMN is committed to supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as a contribution to the earth and society. This commitment supports to the universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure all people enjoy peace and prosperity. These SDGs are implemented in all university activities and policies, including academic, student activities
and operational.

Amongst 17 SDGs, UMN adopts only the goals related to UMN competencies in academic and non-academic. These goals are :
SDG 1: No Poverty
UMN aims to lift the prosperity of the underprivileged and vulnerable groups through community outreach activities and providing access to quality education for them at UMN
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being
UMN commits to providing a healthy learning environment for the student and a working environment for all staff. UMN will ensure access and capacity in preventive measures, healthcare treatment and sports facilities to promote a healthy lifestyle, mental health and well-being.
SDG 4: Quality Education
UMN commits to providing inclusive and quality education for all as education is one of the most powerful vehicles for sustainable development. UMN ensures that all students have access to quality educational resources and knowledge to achieve the competencies as stated in Expected Learning Outcome (ELO) and to promote lifelong learning to adapt to the rapid changing of the external environment. UMN also provides opportunities to underprivileged groups by providing scholarships and bursaries
SDG 5: Gender Equality
UMN commits to ending discrimination on gender equality by ensuring all men and women, both staff and students, have equal opportunities in participation and for leadership at all levels with the basis of the merit system.
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
UMN commits to increasing the efficiency in the usage of water by implementing water conservation activities on the campus, including education to save water, rainwater absorption and recycling.
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
UMN commits to enhancing the implementation of energy efficiency in all areas and promoting the usage of clean and renewable energy to support the initiative of net zero healthy building. UMN also facilitates research in renewable energy and energy efficiency technology.
SDG 9: Innovation
UMN commits to supporting research which produces innovation in information and communications technology for the benefit of society to facilitate its pathway toward sustainable development.
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
UMN commits to supporting the development of sustainable cities and communities through research and community outreach programs
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption
UMN commits to promoting the use of resources sustainably and efficiently and reducing food waste through preventive action, reduction, reuse and recycling.
SDG 13: Climate Action
UMN commits to promoting awareness of climate change among staff and students and mitigating its impact to achieve Net Zero Healthy Building on-campus facilities.
SDG 15: Life on Land
UMN commits to developing a sustainable ecosystem and campus biodiversity to create a green and comfortable environment for the benefit of the students and staff
SDG 16: Peace, Justice Strong Institution
UMN commits to preventing all forms of abuse, discrimination, harassment, corruption and bribery toward a comfortable, peaceful and safe campus
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
UMN promotes expanding the partnership with local and International universities, governments and NGOs to mobilize the knowledge, expertise, technology and finances to support the programs to achieve all the SDG goals that UMN has committed.
As UMN joined the UIGreenmetric World University Network, the sustainability initiatives will be aligned with the categories on UIGreenmetric, which comprise of :
– Infrastructure
– Energy
– Water conservation
– Waste management
– Education and research
– Transportation


OBJECTIVE: The infrastructure aims to create a comfortable and safe learning environment UMN realizes that the land of the campus is not large. That’s why, UMN has to optimize the usage of the land for building and maintain a good ratio of green area and rainwater absorption. This indicator aims to create a green and healthy environment for the students and staff. UMN has declared that every space is a learning space as learning is not only in the room but also in the outdoor space. To facilitate this concept, UMN has to create a comfortable learning space with a green environment from the plantation to produce fresh air rich in oxygen.

This category covers SDG 3, SDG 11, SDG 13, SDG 15 To achieve the objectives, UMN has to perform the following initiatives:

– Planting the big trees
– Planting the various trees to create the bio-diversities
– Making the infiltration well surrounding the building
– Allocating sufficient budget to support the sustainability activities
– Providing access to the disabled and special needs, such as all areas should have a ramp for wheelchairs, a toilet for disabled persons on every floor, Braille signage for the sight impaired in the elevator
– Establishing Sexual Harassment Special Assignment Council to promote the prevention of sexual harassment among staff and students and handling cases related to sexual harassment


OBJECTIVE: UMN aims to reduce the electricity energy usage up to 50 % of the normal building The reduction of energy usage will contribute to a greener environment and lower the operational cost. As air conditioning consumes the largest electricity, UMN aims to reduce the usage of Air Conditioning and maximize natural ventilation with fresh air from the surroundings while still maintaining a comfortable environment for learning.

This category covers SDG 3, SDG 7 SDG 11, SDG 13 To achieve the objectives, UMN has to perform the following initiatives :
– UMN has to promote the energy saving awareness and behavior amongst staff and students.
– All lightings have to use LED. The broken old lighting installation will be replaced with LED
– All streetlights have to use individual solar energy
– All buildings have to install technology to reduce the usage of electricity energy


OBJECTIVE: UMN aims to reduce the waste by implementing waste management With waste management, waste can be discarded, destroyed, processed, recycled, reused, or controlled wastes. Waste management aims to reduce the amount of unusable materials and to prevent potential health and environmental hazards. This category covers SDG 3, SDG 12

To achieve the objectives, UMN has to perform the following initiatives :
– UMN implements 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycling) program
– UMN reduces the usage of single-use plastic bottles by encouraging the students and staff to bring their tumbler
– UMN provides a drinking water fountain
– UMN installs sewage treatment plant
– UMN processes the organic and inorganic waste to make organic fertilizer
– UMN hands over the toxic waste treatment to the external partner


GENERAL OBJECTIVE: UMN aims to conserve water and reduce unnecessary water usage. Water conservation is important because fresh clean water is a limited resource and costly This category covers SDG 6, SDG 12, SDG 15 To achieve the objectives, UMN has to perform the following initiatives :
– Building infiltration well to absorb rainwater into the land surrounding the buildings
– Installing the water treatment plant to recycle the waste from the toilet
– Installing a one-time water faucet in all areas to prevent water overflow
– Providing drinking water for staff and students to reduce the usage of bottled water


GENERAL OBJECTIVE: UMN aims to the carbon emission in the campus area This category covers SDG 3, SDG 7, SDG 11, SDG 13 To achieve the objectives, UMN has to perform the following initiatives:
– UMN provides the shuttle bus service from the neighbourhood area
– UMN provides the privileged parking space for electrical vehicle
– UMN use electrical vehicles for in-campus transportation for security
– UMN collaborate with the electrical bike for rent by the students


OBJECTIVE: UMN aims to integrate education for sustainable development (ESD) into courses in all relevant disciplines By integrating the SDG into courses, students will be aware of and understand the importance of the implementation of SDG initiatives. Students are expected to take action on the related SDG topics in their activities throughout their study This category covers SDG 1, SDG 4, SDG 5, SDG 9, SDG 10, SDG 16, SDG 17 To achieve the objectives, UMN has to perform the following initiatives:
– All courses have to include at least one of the SDG topic
– The research proposal has to include at least one of the SDG topics for approval of the
– The publication has to include at least one of the SDG topic
– UMN has to conduct sustainability events at least once per semester
– Student activities have to include a sustainability aspect in proposing the funding from UMN
We hope that ‘Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Sustainability Policy’ can be used as a guide for all departments in creating action plans to achieve Sustainable Development Goals that have been adopted by Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

Signed by,
Dr Ninok Leksono
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara