“…membangun gedung hemat energi lainnya. Rencananya tahun 2030…”
As a university that cares about energy efficiency, Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) is committed to building energy-efficient lecture buildings. This is proven by the establishment of New Media Tower Building in 2012 which has won the first place as the Energy Efficient Building in the Tropical Building category of ASEAN Energy Award in 2014 and Tower 3 which will be completed in mid-2017.
In addition to the 2 lecture buildings, UMN plans to build 3 similar buildings. “We plan to build another energy-efficient building. We plan to use the new buildings for campus activities by 2030,” said UMN Vice Rector Andrey Andoko.
These five buildings are UMN’s master plan and will be built using passive design. The construction of the five energy-efficient buildings will leave 40 percent of the green campus area. UMN will also build a park on top of the energy efficient building as it has done on the third floor of the New Media Tower Building.
UMN’s plan to build energy-efficient buildings is part of the green building concept. The goal is to make energy use and conservation more efficient.
Topping Off Tower 3
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) sebagai universitas yang peduli akan lingkungan berkomitmen untuk turut berkontribusi dalam melakukan penghematan energi nasional melalui pembangunan gedung perkuliahan ke-3 yang kembali mengusung konsep hemat energi.
Tentang Energy Saving Building
Energi Saving Building