Skypreneur Batch 8 Presents Interior Decorating Service Startup Named Tuhiro
September 24, 2021Short Movie: The Bright Future of 2040
September 27, 2021Who of you is currently in business? Well, one of the first steps that need to be done is to make your brand or company start to be known by prospective buyers. As we know, in this day and age all information can be obtained easily through the internet.
Just imagine if for example someone wants to know more about your brand, but the information is not available on the internet. Well, maybe that person can be lazy first and go straight away. One solution is a website to accommodate all information related to your brand and products. How’s it? Are you interested in creating a website? You can create a good website on WannaBeStart too!
WannaBeStart is a digital agency-based startup that handles website, mobile development and UI/UX design. This startup was spearheaded by a umn informatics engineering student class of 2018 named Kharansyah or usually familiarly called Ran. At first, Ran and three friends founded WannaBeStart with the aim of learning and adding to the experience. After getting one big enough project, finally the four of them decided to enlarge their team to now number nine people to maximize the services they provide to clients.
After having been running alone for several months, they decided to join the incubation program organized by Skystar Ventures batch 8. They certainly need guidance and knowledge used to build a successful startup. According to them, the incubation program provides a lot of new insights from experienced mentors and can add relationships.
Currently, WannaBeStart is focusing on conducting appropriate promotional media research. In addition, WannaBeStart is also developing websites and social media, especially Instagram to attract awareness from clients. Not only that, WannaBeStart also has plans to develop mobile apps to make it easier for its clients to communicate with the WannaBeStart team. They also offer relatively affordable rates compared to other competitors as well as website revisions if needed.
Well interesting is the service offered wannaBeStart! Let’s check their website. You can also follow their Instagram on @wannabestart.
By Natalia Maria Josephine | Skystar Ventures
Kuliah di Jakarta untuk jurusan program studi Informatika| Sistem Informasi | Teknik Komputer | Teknik Elektro | Teknik Fisika | Akuntansi | Manajemen| Komunikasi Strategis | Jurnalistik | Desain Komunikasi Visual | Film dan Animasi | Arsitektur | D3 Perhotelan | International Program, di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.