UMN PJJ Lecturer Publishes New Book Titled “Digitalization of Politics: Reflections and Dynamics of Communication”
July 17, 2023
Based on a Surrounding Phenomenon, UMN Film and Animation Students’ Work “Semesta” Won a National Award
July 17, 2023A group photo with UMN’s IISMA Awardees. (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – In connection with the Indonesia International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) program, Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) held a Welcoming event for returning 2021-2022 UMN IISMA Awardees and 2023 UMN IISMA Onboarding in the preparation stage for departure. Attended by the Rector, rectors, deans, and UMN lecturers, it was held in the Halmahera Room of UMN Building C on Friday (2/6/2023).
UMN sent its students to the IISMA program from 2021 to 2023, with a total of 40 Awardees from UMN consisting of 2 Awardees in Batch I, 18 in Batch II, and 20 in Batch III.
Based on information provided by UMN’s Global Office Manager Boby Arinto, UMN is the private university that sends the most Awardees compared to state universities.
This year, around 10,500 students from universities and 2,200 from vocational schools in Indonesia applied to participate in IISMA. At the document completion stage, there were about 7,694 students who successfully passed.
128 UMN students registered in Batch III to participate in IISMA. 83 students passed the first stage, 54 students passed the interview stage, and in the last stage, 20 students were eventually accepted.
1,500 Awardees from all over Indonesia who went abroad to 67 universities in 25 countries. There are various benefits that Awardees can get, such as new experiences in education abroad and cross-cultural understanding.
UMN Vice-Rector for Relations and Cooperation Muliawati G. Siswanto said that students selected as IISMA Awardees had previously paved the way for students in the next batch.
“Besides studying there, don’t forget to make new friends too,” Muliawati said.
On this year’s occasion, UMN was chosen by the IISMA Working Group to host the pre-departure briefing for Japan. The event was attended by Boby Arinto and Muliawati G. Siswanto, who will fill the event.
by Annisa Maulida | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
Kuliah di Jakarta untuk jurusan program studi Informatika| Sistem Informasi | Teknik Komputer | Teknik Elektro | Teknik Fisika | Akuntansi | Manajemen| Komunikasi Strategis | Jurnalistik | Desain Komunikasi Visual | Film dan Animasi | Arsitektur | D3 Perhotelan , di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. www.umn.ac.id