Masters: Definition, Study Programs, and Reasons Why Taking a Master’s Degree is Important
June 18, 2024
UMN Hospitality achieves Excellent Accreditation by The National Accreditation Board for Higher Education
June 24, 2024Ninok Leksono at UMN’s XXVI Graduation Ceremony (Doc. UMN).
South Tangerang, Saturday (22/06)—The development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has entered the industrial world, bringing with it unprecedented hope and potential for innovation and productivity. Optimizing the use of AI now allows companies to combine AI with various forms of creativity, aiming to create revolutionary solutions and increase efficiency in multiple aspects of production and services.
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) specifically brought up the topic of AI again in the XXVI Graduation Ceremony for 445 graduates. With the theme “Optimizing the Use of AI to Create Innovation and Productivity in the Industrial World,” the committee presented Andy Budiman, the CEO of KG Media, as the main speaker. Andy revealed that KG media also follows the latest technological developments.
“From its birth to its growth, Kompas Gramedia has come to terms with various changes, ranging from socio-political changes at the end of the old order era, the transition to the new order to the reformation period, changes in the media landscape triggered by the presence of Internet technology at the end of the 20th century and the acceleration of digital transformation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the end of 2022, civilization is faced with generative artificial intelligence technology which is believed to have a major impact on the progress or sustainability of civilization itself,” Andy said in his opening remarks.
In his speech, Andy said that the media’s efforts are efforts that enlighten civilization. The challenge is to come to terms with changes from generation to generation in civilization itself. Changes in society are often out of control, especially in the institution itself. The challenge is also for institutions to carefully sort out fundamental and situational changes, sorting out which ones are storms (which will pass) and climate change (which will be permanent).
Andy Budiman at the Opening of UMN XXVI Graduation (Doc. UMN).
“The world is hotter regarding temperature, temperament, and challenges. If we analogize a book, the AI capabilities that we see today are just the introduction. We are about to enter the next chapter 2 of AI, which will be far more amazing and on the other hand more terrifying. For every minute we invest to learn, explore AI, also invest one minute to think about what you can contribute to humanity and the world,” Andy said when closing his speech.
When we met at the graduation location, Andrey Andoko, Vice-Rector for General Administration and Finance, responded to optimizing AI, especially in the academic environment. Andrey mentioned that the learning process is no longer relevant if it only relies on memorization and understanding.
Andrey Andoko Responds to AI. (Doc. UMN).
“The learning process must shift to hone the ability to think critically and innovatively and analyze problems and find solutions. Learning is no longer relevant based on memorization and understanding alone. With the ability to think critically and innovatively, new ideas are expected to emerge that may have economic value to be developed into a business,” Andrey said.
Andrey also said that AI is inevitable. Many applications can help with the learning process, and if used correctly, AI can increase our productivity by helping us complete tasks that previously took longer to complete.
“AI is just a tool, but we still take control. AI will be widely used in industry. With the ability to think critically and innovatively and assisted by AI applications, the work we do can be more productive,” Andrey concluded.
Ninok Leksono, Rector of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, said in his speech at this graduation that AI is a trend present in various fields. For this graduation, UMN again took the theme of optimizing the use of AI.
Ninok Leksono, Rector of UMN. (Doc. UMN).
“Creating innovation and productivity, is intended so that AI is truly utilized appropriately, so that new works or products are born that are not only innovative and up-to-date, but also efficient in production, graduates must also be able to utilize AI appropriately in order to compete in the industrial world,” concluded Ninok.
Ninok also appealed to graduates to continue to pursue competence but to remember to uphold their individual character always. Ninok hopes that graduates are willing to continue learning in the face of today’s technological advances.
“I hope that the knowledge gained at UMN will continue to be developed, following the motto ‘lifelong learner’. No matter how advanced technology is today, if UMN alumni want to keep learning, don’t worry about being left behind,” said Ninok Leksono.
The head of the higher education service institution region III (LLDikti III), Toni Toharudin, was also present at UMN XXVI graduation. In his speech, Toni said that Indonesia is currently moving towards the Golden Indonesia 2045, and graduates are the key to advancing and building a better future for Indonesia.
Toni Toharudin, Head of LLDIKTI Region III (Doc. UMN)
“The first key to becoming a superior generation is creativity. You must dare to think out of the box, to find innovative solutions to every problem faced, and not be afraid to try new things. Creativity is one of the main factors in advancing education and innovation in Indonesia,” said Toni.
At the end of his speech, Toni expressed his hope that the graduates would continue to improve their quality and broaden their horizons regarding developments and innovations in various fields.
By using resources and technology that are also growing today, graduates can learn how to optimize the use of AI in every work industry. This aims to improve the industry’s efficiency, product quality, and business processes.
By The Media and Public Relations Team
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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