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July 17, 2023UMN Master of Technology Management graduates (Doc. UMN)
Tangerang (24/6) – Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) has held another graduation ceremony. UMN graduations always raise themes that can be used as provisions for graduates to face the world of work. At this XXIV graduation, the committee invited graduates to see the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in increasing work productivity.
UMN Rector Dr. Ninok Leksono, M.A., in his speech, congratulated the graduates. He also mentioned that the theme of this graduation is very relevant to the current conditions. This can be both a challenge and an opportunity for the graduates.
“AI is currently a hot theme in the world, from science to work, industry to education. So I see this AI theme as relevant to current developments. Education is affected, among others, by the emergence of the ChatGPT,” said Ninok.
Ninok also conveyed his hopes and messages to the graduates to become not only intellectual individuals but also graduates who are armed with knowledge and skills that can apply them in the world of work.
Ninok Leksono, Rector of UMN, gives a speech (Dok. UMN)
“My hope for graduates is to become people who are not only intellectual, but full of insight, follow the development of science and technology wisely, and pay close attention to industrial developments so that wherever they will take part, graduates are not giddy and lose their way. Make the moment of graduation a milestone to strengthen your intention to face the future optimistically armed with the knowledge and skills gained at UMN,” Ninok concluded.
The chairperson of the XXIV UMN graduation committee, Susana Krisma Marganing Astuti, S.H., said that the AI theme raised at this graduation is a joint reflection on the increasingly important role of AI in the business world and industry in the future. The collaboration of humans and artificial intelligence can change the way of working and help complete work significantly so that, with the proper integration, it can increase work productivity and efficiency.
“Remain a creative, innovative, positive, and productive person who makes the alma mater, parents, and the nation proud. We hope that the graduates can play an active role in their respective workplaces and have openness to AI opportunities that arise so that all work activities can be more effective and efficient,” Krisma concluded.
Inauguration procession of graduates (Doc. UMN)
UMN XXIV Graduation Inaugurates 509 Students
The XXIV UMN graduation ceremony inaugurated 509 students, consisting of 74 graduates from the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, 124 graduates from the Faculty of Business, 142 graduates from the Faculty of Communication, 136 graduates from the Faculty of Art and Design, 25 Masters in Technology Management, and 8 Masters in Communication Science.
Kompas Gramedia CEO Liliek Oetama also congratulated UMN graduates. In his speech, Liliek recalled the words of the founder of Kompas Gramedia, Mr. Jakob Oetama, that Multimedia Nusantara University was established to educate and prepare young people not only for the knowledge and ability to master technology but also to shape their character and personality so that they can make the most of information communication technology.
“I feel a layered sense of pride, proud of the realization of Mr. Jakob Oetama’s vision as well as proud of the success achieved today by you all. I am sure that with this provision, you will be ready to face challenges and opportunities in the career world, wherever you work,” Liliek said.
Liliek closed his speech with a message that Mr. Jakob Oetama always said to UMN graduates.
“Remain a creative, productive, and outstanding person for the alma mater and the nation,” Liliek concluded.
Fiki Setiyono, Country Lead of Microsoft Indonesia, as the keynote speaker. (Doc. UMN)
The keynote speaker was Fiki Setiyono, the Country Lead Azure Business Group, Microsoft Indonesia. In his presentation, Fiki explained the various added values that can be generated through the use of AI, ranging from automating processes and increasing operational efficiency, accelerating time to market, to building digital trust and improving customer experience.
All of these added values not only boost business competitiveness, but also contribute positively to economic growth. Specifically in Southeast Asia, a management consulting firm Kearney study shows that AI could help boost the region’s GDP by 10-18% by 2030, or the equivalent of nearly 1 trillion dollars[1].
“The key now is to continue to develop or get used to using AI tools responsibly. From there, we can create innovations that can solve challenges in various lines of life and encourage Indonesia’s progress. As Indonesia’s proud talents, let us unite our work to continue empowering Indonesia’s digital economy,” Fiki said.
At this graduation, there were two best university graduates from the undergraduate and post-graduate (Master) programs. The best university graduate in the post-graduate program was achieved by Chrysan Kirana from the Master of Technology Management (MMT) Study Program with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.00. The best graduate of the university at the undergraduate level was Angelia Maretta from the Management Study Program, with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.99. The graduates not only excel in the academic field but are also active in student activities and certification.
[1] Racing toward the future: artificial intelligence in Southeast Asia – Kearney
UMN invites high school teachers whose alumni are the best graduates at this graduation (Doc. UMN)
The best graduate of the post-graduate Master’s program, Chrysan Kirana, who currently works as a finance professional, dreams of opening a business that can apply technology per the major he took. He also advised younger juniors still studying to be enthusiastic and diligent in their studies.
“When we graduate, our work is not finished yet, be a blessing and positively impact others wherever we are,” Chrysan said.
The best graduate of the undergraduate level, Angelia Maretta, expressed her hope to continue and develop her work in the mentorship business she is currently running.
“I hope that after graduation, I can become a womanpreneur who has an impact on the people around me, bring many other young people to achieve their goals in life, and can continue to upgrade myself to be better every day,” Angelia said.
Angelia also advised younger siblings still studying that they are in the right place to develop themselves.
“Explore as many things as possible in this world of lectures to explore the potential that exists in you. And, of course, enjoy every process,” Angelia concluded.
In addition to the best graduates, the Main Scholar award was also given to selected students who, during college, were active in various activities and could maintain academic values. The Main Scholar in this graduation was achieved by Felix, with a GPA of 3.95 from the Technology Management Study Program (Master’s), Lydia Gavrila, with a GPA of 3.73 from the Architecture Study Program (Bachelor’s), and Gabrielle Eka Putri, with a GPA of 3.79 from the Hospitality Study Program (Diploma).
Bringing Yogyakarta into the Graduation Theme
UMN’s graduation always has a regional theme as a realization to empower the archipelago and various traditional cultures. This aligns with the spirit of the founder, Mr. Jakob Oetama, who expected UMN to become a campus with an archipelago insight.
“This time, a touch of Javanese nuances, especially the Special Region of Yogyakarta, adorns the audio-visual display made by the collaboration of lecturers and students of UMN’s Faculty of Art and Design. Javanese culture is known as a culture that prioritizes harmony and harmony in everyday life. It is hoped that the spirit of plurality, tolerance, and civility will always be embedded in the hearts of graduates,” Krisma explained.
By UMN Public Relations Team
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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