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UMN VCD Students Learn About an Artist’s Life with Prof Azril from ASWARA Malaysia
September 30, 2024
Dr.Sn. Yusup Sigit Martyastiadi and Dr. Khairul Azril Bin Ismail Giving the Students Material about Virtual Reality Borobudur. (Dok. UMN)
TANGERANG – The Visual Communication Design (VCD) department of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) conducted a public lecture titled “Virtual Reality Borobudur: Merging Art and Spirituality in a Digital Realm.” The public lecture invited Dr.Sn. Yusup Sigit Martyastiadi and Dr. Khairul Azril Bin Ismail as speakers.
Yusup started the discussion by sharing his various projects and research. He said that in his research, he just wants to create what he feels about sensations.
“In my artistic research, it is simple. I develop a gift from my sensation of being immersed. So it’s just a simple thing,” Yusup said.
Yusup then shared his processes when conducting his projects, one of which was making a Virtual Reality Borobudur Game and the role of technology in artistic expression. He shared an example of how when he reads a book, he makes an imaginary movie in his head. With technology, virtualization becomes a potential or opportunity to present a new reality.
“I use the spiritual content to develop a game. Virtualization is used as a potential to support my ideas,” Yusup said.
He then discussed using Virtual Reality (VR) and spiritual experiences. Yusup employs a practice-led research methodology, meaning that every practice, such as modeling, drawing, coloring, and sketching, is data.
When creating his Virtual Reality Borobudur Game, the idea came from spiritual experience, visual sensation, visual reference, relics of Borobudur, etc. He collected data by exploring Borobudur, reading the Buddhist scriptures, and interviewing some people who live near and far from Borobudur, which helped him get the concept of spiritual experience.
“They are teaching virtue, goodwill, struggle, the sacrifice of life, and obedience to god. I choose one spiritual content, which is the sacrifice of life. Then I go with the sketching and character and so on, and the environment with a wilderness concept, music, ambiance, and more,” Yusup explained. He then continued explaining in detail the technical process of creating the game.
Yusup emphasized that the success of doing a VR project is understanding the concept. The team members must feel the experience of donating pieces of artwork and making them into playable games.
“The character of this artwork is visualizing, animating, and bridging the spiritual content and experience of Borobudur in VR. The game is a type of game to regulate the rhythm of life. Players are invited to see, feel, hear, and make choices based on basic self-experience. This VR game is a virtualization of the sensation of immersion and greater life experience that is full of moments of choice in search of the meaning of life,” Yusup explained.
Azril, impressed by Yusup’s experience and project, also had the opportunity to present his thoughts. He said that what Yusup had was an epiphany.
“He’s like a chef in the kitchen. He cooks something, uses VR, utilizes it, and actually brings out a dish to serve on a platter,” Azril said.
“On a side note, Yusup doesn’t just merely about capture– photogrammetry. There’s a representation of space and concept that goes behind the Borobudur, the tales of the metamorphic animals inside as a lesson learned. There are thousands of lessons that can be learned from an entire space,” Azril added.
Azril also mentioned that UMN students should feel blessed to be in a country with thousands of cultures and ideas. With all the tools and technology available, students can do a high-quality exploration of diversity.
“All of us are composing experience. Remember that you are not just merely mechanical. On all of your projects, behind that, believe in this part, you are composing experience,” Azril said, closing his speech.
The lecture ended with a Q&A session amongst the students and the speakers. We hope the lecture can inspire UMN VCD students to explore and appreciate Indonesian culture through art and technology.
By Levina Chrestella Theodora
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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