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Photo with an OLC UTS student (dock. UMN)
TANGERANG – Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) welcomes the arrival of students of Offshore Learning Center University Technology Sydney (OLC UTS). These 20 UTS students will use facilities and study rooms at UMN as long as they are still unable to leave for Australia due to the pandemic. The event was held at UMN’s Lecture Hall and online via Zoom on Friday, September 24, 2021.
In his speech through Zoom, Deputy Vice-Chancellor International of UTS, Lain Watt said that UTS looks forward to this cooperative relationship and hopes it will continue to be established. This program is expected to help UTS students to learn to the maximum as long as pandemic conditions have not recovered.
Cherilyn Liu as Manager of OLC Operations, UTS International said that UMN gave a full welcome and support for this cooperation program. Appreciation also came from Innes Ireland, Deputy Director of Global Engagement of UTS International who expressed his gratitude to UMN for providing a warm and memorable welcome.
Prof. Dr. Muliawati G. Siswanto, M.Eng.Sc. As Vice Rector for Relations and Cooperation of UMN in his speech hopes that while at UMN UTS students can be comfortable studying until the pandemic ends.
“There are about 500 UTS students who have not been able to go there. Starting from 38 students who were obtained until finally there were 20 UTS students who wanted to join OLC at UMN,” said Boby Arinto as Manager of Umn Global Office who was interviewed separately.

Dr. Ir. P.M. Winarno, M.Kom. as Director of Research and Community Service Institute when giving a speech at welcoming OLC UTS (doc. UMN)
During this program, UMN involves several departments, such as libraries, student development, IT, Building Management, Academic Information Bureau (BIA), as well as related faculties such as the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics (FTI), faculty of arts and design (FSD), and faculty of business (FB). The department is involved as Learning Facilitators (LF) which will assist UTS students in participating in activities at UMN.
“Uts students themselves come from the Faculty of Business, Engineering and Informatics, Design and Biomedic. For this reason, the Deans of UMN are also involved in this program and the Learning Facilitators are also from the related Study Program (Prodi), “he continued.
Boby hopes that the OLC program can strengthen the cooperation that has been established as well as the implementation of the planned program. This cooperation is also expected to open opportunities to expand the program in the future.
Also read UTS Kembali Membuka Kesempatan Belajar Melalui OLC Bersama UMN
After the welcome, the event continued with campus tour activities. UTS students are invited to tour the UMN campus to see the atmosphere and facilities to be used. The majority of them come from Jakarta, Bogor and Bandung. Apart from different departments they also come from different generations.
Campus tour is carried out to introduce facilities and study rooms in UMN which will later be used. Despite studying at UMN, this OLC UTS student still runs online lectures directly from UTS teachers from Australia.
One of the OLC UTS participants, Kristelia Tedja said the OLC program provides an opportunity to learn offline and be able to meet directly with other friends who have only met at Zoom.
“Hopefully this pandemic does not reduce the creativity of students and can continue to work,” he said.
In contrast to Kristelia, Dimitri Albert Graciandi Ginting said the OLC program slightly treats the longing of college as usual and misses the atmosphere and building of UTS in Australia. Dimitri had attended face-to-face lectures at the UTS campus, but had to return to Indonesia due to the pandemic.
“Because if at home there is less spirit of learning, there is a place to study on campus more delicious and more accustomed to learning in situations and conditions like that,” he said.
By Annisa Maulida | UMN News Service
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