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January 17, 2025A group photo session during the electricity management training at UMN. (Doc. UMN)
Jakarta – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) had the opportunity to conduct electricity management training with culinary MSME players in Legok Village on July 29, November 23, and December 2, 2024.
This activity was guided by several lecturers from UMN, namely Fahmy Rinanda Saputri, Melissa Indah Fianty, Marojahan Tampubolon, and several students.
Participants of the electricity management training activity. (Doc. UMN)
What is Taught in This Activity?
This activity has three stages. In the first stage, representatives from UMN invited culinary MSME players in the area to record the electrical equipment they use daily.
In the second and third stages, participants were taught how to measure and analyze energy consumption. They also simulated energy monitoring with an Excel calculator designed by the resource person.
Participants started this activity by listening to material about energy efficiency and the importance of knowing about energy consumption. They were also taught about the basics of energy saving, the selection of electrical appliances, and strategies to reduce daily electricity consumption.
In addition, they were exposed to two types of energy monitoring devices: those usually found in the market and IoT-connected devices made by the program team. The IoT-connected tool allows MSME players to monitor their energy consumption in real-time using a laptop or smartphone.
Then, team representatives demonstrated the use of the energy monitoring tool, from how to use it to its limitations. Participants were also given the opportunity to try using the device under the team’s supervision. Several participants also received IoT-based energy monitoring devices made by the team.
By Putu Wiena | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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