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October 23, 2024The atmosphere of mentoring at Bukit Sinyonya. (Doc. Felix Setiyawan UMN)
Tangerang – Several representatives from Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) held a batik-making mentoring activity at Bukit Sinyonya Hall, Bandung Village, Banjar District, Pandeglang Regency, Banten on Saturday (12/10/2024). This activity is part of UMN’s Institute for Research and Community Service (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat/LPPM) program, which aims to participate in advancing the community’s economy.
This activity was organized by UMN Visual Communication Design (VCD) Study Program Lecturer Clemens Felix Setiyawan and VCD Study Program Lecturer Itta Ernawati and initiated by LPPM UMN.
Felix said that the participants in this community service activity were young people from youth organizations and older women of the Family Welfare Empowerment (Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga/PKK) in the area. He also said that in this class, the participants were taught about the batik process, which could open up opportunities for them to do business in the creative economy sector.
“This activity is a mentoring and training to batik with original patterns from Bandung Village, which consists of three basic elements, namely the Sinyonya Fish, which is a rare fish found in the area, then there is Puhu Coffee, which is the original coffee cultivation of Bandung Village, and Anyam Pandan which is one of the superior products also from Bandung Village,” Felix told UMN News Service.
Felix also shared that the batik patterns were chosen after UMN had the opportunity to conduct FGDs with village officials and concluded that these three things were suitable as the basic idea for making the area’s signature batik patterns.
“Apart from these three elements, there are also alternative patterns, namely from several traditional arts from Bandung Village, such as properties from debus and pencak silat arts that will be implemented in batik patterns,” he said again.
The atmosphere of mentoring at Sinyonya Hill. (Doc. Felix Setiyawan UMN)
UMN also had the opportunity to provide various information related to batik, starting from making sketches, applying the cloth to be dyed, how to dye, the basic steps of batik, and how to mix colors.
“There are 15 modules (related to) the batik process, for which we have also prepared training module videos so that they can be seen when they want to practice at their respective homes,” Felix said.
Regarding the expected impact of this activity, Felix revealed that this assistance can contribute to the community’s welfare in Bandung Village, especially for the creative economy.
“To further advance and prosper the people of Bandung Village in terms of economy, be creative in producing batik with original patterns typical of Bandung Village, which can later be made into fashion, merchandise, interior decoration, and so on,” Felix shared.
LPPM UMN | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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