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August 5, 2021
Participants of ui Greenmetric LLDIKTI III Workshop seminar 2021 (doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) was chosen to host the UI Greenmetric LLDIKTI III 2021 Workshop. By hosting, UMN has the opportunity to lead a variety of sustainable movements by learning and sharing best practices in managing sustainable campuses. UMN, which is now ranked as one of the greenest private campuses in Jakarta and ranked 199th out of 912 universities in the world in ui Greenmetric 2020, will also be known as a college that cares about sustainable environment.
UI Greenmetric World University Ranking is an initiative of the University of Indonesia launched in 2010. The initiative aims to provide the results of an online survey on the latest conditions and policies regarding Green Campuses and Sustainability at universities around the world. With this initiative, it is expected that universities around the world will become sustainable universities with a globally minded education and have solutions to sustainability challenges.
The UI Greenmetric LLDIKTI III 2021 workshop held online on Tuesday (03/08/21) aims to provide up-to-date information on ui Greenmetric World University Rankings Network, share best practices in the implementation of UI Greenmetric in LLDIKTI III colleges, help universities complete Greenmetric UI questionnaires, and provide cooperation opportunities in the field of sustainability.

Ui Greenmetric Expert Staff of the University of Indonesia, Prof. Gunawan Tjahjono (right) and Moderator, Dr. Ir. P.M. Winarno, M. Kom. (left) (Doc. UMN)
Conducted online, the UI Greenmetric LLDIKTI III 2021 Workshop is divided into three sessions. In the first session, Prof. Gunawan Tjahjono, Expert Staff of UI Greenmetric, University of Indonesia gave a presentation on UI Greenmetric and UI Greenmetric World University Ranking Network and exposure on Greenmetric UI Indicators and Questionnaires.
Gunawan said there are several aspects of assessment from UI Greenmetric, such as waste management, energy and climate management, education and research management, water management, transportation management, structuring management and infrastructure. The embodiment of these indicators was further explained in the next session by representatives of various universities in LLDIKTI Region III. According to him, the involvement of this college becomes important as the spearhead of change and sustainable environmental development.
“So, we have students who can carry flags, banners to appeal to the community so that green life is better because it will not reduce the rations of generations to come,” gunawan explained.

Vice Rector for General Administration and Finance of UMN, Ir. Andrey Andoko, M.Sc. is presenting material on Energy Management and Climate Change (doc. UMN)
Related to the implementation, Ir. Andrey Andoko, M.Sc. as Vice Rector for General Administration and Finance of UMN was given the opportunity to explain Energy Management and Climate Change, especially in UMN. Andrey explained that the construction of this UMN building was indeed from the beginning designed with an environmentally friendly and energy-efficient concept. This includes the use of ventilation and natural lighting, the utilization of Building Automation System (BAS) to monitor electrical equipment, the utilization of the Internet of Things (IoT) to monitor building conditions, the utilization of various clean and renewable energy technologies, tree planting around buildings, and so on.
UMN’s various commitments to preserve the environment also encourages it to achieve various predicates as a green and energy-efficient campus. In the future, Andrey also revealed that the UMN building will be a pilot project for the “GREENSHIP Net Zero Healthy Building”. He said the pilot project was in collaboration with green building council Indonesia initiated by umn architecture study program.
Also read UI GreenMetric Workshop: Multimedia Nusantara University To Host UI GreenMetric Workshop 2021
“Because the UMN Architecture Program also focuses on sustainable building or green building so that the existing UMN buildings become living laboratories for friends in [Prodi] Architecture [UMN] and friends in [Prodi] Physical Engineering [UMN],” explained Andrey.
In addition to Andrey from UMN representatives, in the second session also present Dr. Ir. Wendi Usino, M.Sc., M.M. as Rector of Budi Luhur University who gave a presentation on Structuring and Infrastructure Management. Lastly in session two, there was also Dr. Ir. Agus Achmad Suhendra, M.T. as Rector of Telkom Jakarta Institute of Technology gave his presentation on the Sustainable Development Plan.
In session three, the event was continued with a presentation from Dr. John Eko Prasetyanto, Vice Rector for Research and Cooperation of the Catholic University of Indonesia Atmajaya on Water Management. Continued Dr. Ir. Arief Kusuma, M.B.A., Rector of Esa Unggul University on Transportation Management and finally Prof. Dr. Sri Widyastuti, S.E., M.M., M.Si, Vice Rector of Pancasila University gave a presentation on Education Management.

Chairman of Greenmetric World University Rankings, Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc., M.M. (doc. UMN)
The event was then closed by the Chairperson of Greenmetric World University Rankings, Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc., M.M.. He also greatly appreciates and expects the presentation of material from various campuses can be an inspiration to improve the quality of sustainable development.

UMN rector, Dr. Ninok Leksono, M.A. (dock. UMN)
Similarly, the Rector of UMN, Dr. Ninok Leksono, M.A. also expressed appreciation for the commitment of universities that actively build more sustainable and humane lives.
“Climate change can’t wait. Climate change can be irreversible or not reversed and will be wretched for us if it is too late,” Ninok said.
By Melinda Chang | UMN News Service
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