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March 5, 2025Photo with the UMN Faculty of Communications & CFI. (Doc. UMN)
Tangerang – On Wednesday (26/02/2025), Canal France International visited UMN Journalism and discussed the upcoming collaboration between the two.
Canal France International (CFI) is a French agency in the media sector. Founded in 1989, CFI aims to assist in freedom of expression. Currently, it focuses on environmental issues and climate action. On this occasion, CFI invited UMN to join the CFI training program.
“Of course, this opportunity is very valuable for UMN, seeing CFI’s vision, which aligns with UMN’s, namely the issue of sustainability. I hope we can collaborate on research, campus activities, etc. Seeing all UMN activities aligned with the SDGs, this collaboration is very good for the future,” Dr. Andrey Andoko, UMN Rector, said.
Andrey also hopes this collaboration can produce many outputs, such as research, because many lecturers will be interested. Andrey hopes that this collaboration can develop UMN and France. This collaboration will focus on the UMN Journalism study program, but it does not rule out the possibility that other study programs can be involved.
“CFI is in various countries; this is our first time working in Indonesia. We want to develop the environment and journalism in Indonesia because we see the current changes in business models. This project has developed in the Philippines, Fiji Island, and Papua New Guinea,” Chloe Laskar, the CFI Program Manager, said.
The CFI collaboration with UMN aims to raise awareness of environmental and climate action. CFI also wants to develop students’ professional journalism skills, focusing on environmental issues, including developing media content and production.
“For this collaboration, we hope to collaborate with expert institutions to collaborate with existing activists. Later, we will bring professionals for this training, too. We want to develop students interested in journalism and environmental issues,” Chloe continued.
CFI is interested in collaborating with UMN because it sees UMN as very aware of environmental issues, and its existing vision aligns with CFI. CFI feels that this collaboration will be very interesting and useful for students later, and it is open to providing the best facilities.
By Rachel Tiffany Tanukusuma | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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