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May 6, 2024UMN Communication Science Lecturer Provides Training Materials to FKTS Members (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) provided training assistance to the Forum Kabupaten Tangerang Sehat (FKTS) (Healthy Tangerang Regency Forum) on the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI), social media, and podcast creation training. This initiative aims to increase the visibility and influence of FKTS in efforts to socialize and foster public health in the Tangerang Regency.
As a health forum, FKTS is tasked with socializing and fostering the health of local residents. Based on research conducted, FKTS encountered challenges in terms of public awareness of a healthy and clean lifestyle. One example is the lack of awareness of the importance of having a personal cascade at home. Therefore, FKTS tries to get closer to the residents to increase their understanding of the importance of maintaining health.
The training was held at UMN with two lecturers from UMN’s Faculty of Communication Sciences, Dr. Indiwan Seto Wahjuwibowo, M.Si., and Theresia Lavietha Vivrie Lolita, S.I.Kom., M.I.Kom, presenting the material. Theresia emphasized the importance of utilizing social media as a tool to build branding and increase community engagement. As a first step, FKTS also launched its first official Instagram account to expand its communication reach.
Meanwhile, Dr. Indiwan provided material on how to utilize the sophistication of AI, including the use of ChatGPT to facilitate writing informative and interesting content for the community. By utilizing this technology, it is hoped that health-related messages can be delivered more effectively and attract attention.
“We hope that with this training, FKTS members can have a broader knowledge of the use of social media and AI in order to reach out to the community,” said Dr. Indiwan. He also added that UMN is willing to continue to help and provide guidance if needed, which is in accordance with UMN’s principle of continuing to have a positive impact on society.
Responding to this, FKTS Daily Chair Imam Sutopo expressed his gratitude for the assistance provided by UMN. “We are very grateful for this opportunity, and we are confident that with the help and support of UMN, we can achieve our goal of increasing public awareness of the importance of health,” he said.
The training also received a positive response from the participants, who expressed their enthusiasm for implementing the knowledge they gained for the benefit of the community.
With the collaboration between UMN and FKTS in utilizing technology and social media, it is hoped that positive steps will be taken in an effort to improve the health and welfare of the people of Tangerang Regency. These steps are tangible proof of a shared commitment to creating positive change in the community.
by Ivana Auliya | UMN News Team
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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