These are the Participants of UMN Internship Program
June 26, 2015Ultima Sonora’s First Gold Medal
August 3, 2015Along with the implementation of e-government in Tangerang Regency, Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) was not standing idly by. On Wednesday, July 8, 2015, there was a handover of assistance in the form of a set of Laserjet computers and printers to three villages in Tangerang Regency, namely Legok Village, Legok District, and Pagedangan Village and Lengkong Kulon Village in Pagedangan District.
Previously UMN had also provided the help of a set of computers and printers to The Village of Curug Sangerang Kelapa Dua Subdistrict and SDN 2 Cihuni, Kelapa Dua Subdistrict.
Director of Umn Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM), Dr. Ir. Winarno, M.Kom. He revealed that the assistance of a set of computers and printers was UMN’s concern for the village government, hoping to further facilitate administrative activities in the three villages.
“UMN assistance to the three villages will also not stop here, because it will continue by providing training in the use of computers and the Internet for village devices, as well as community residents in all three villages. Even in the near future, UMN will hold fieldwork lectures (KKL) by sending its students to villages in Tangerang Regency. The KKL activities of UMN students will be focused on computer and Internet training to village devices and their communities,” winarno said.
“In addition, the village will be assisted in collecting village statistics, and will create a village website, so that village data becomes more up-to-date and and published. Of course, this activity will coordinate with the District and District, so that information from these villages will be able to be combined into an information system at the District level,” Winarno continued.
“This KKL program will be in line and support the Tangerang Regency Government program that is implementing e-government practices,” Winarno added.
It is said that UMN will implement Digital Literacy programs for rural communities, so that it will improve access to information by rural communities, and in turn can increase the productivity of rural communities through business transactions on the Internet. (*)
Kuliah di Jakarta untuk jurusan program studi Teknik Informatika | Sistem Informasi | Sistem Komputer | Akuntansi | Manajemen | Ilmu Komunikasi | Desain Komunikasi Visual, di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.