When Foreign Students Study Indonesian Culture at UMN
January 19, 2017
Topping Off Tower 3 UMN: Preserve an Energy-Efficient Culture
January 27, 2017Entering its 10th year in 2017, Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) gained many achievements. At the end of December 2016, the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT) gave an A grade for accreditation of UMN institutions. The decision is contained in the Decree numbered 3000 / SK / BAN-PT / Akred / PT / XII / 2016. This makes UMN superior because among more than 3 thousand private universities in Indonesia, UMN has institutional accreditation A.
The Accreditation Decree of this Institution was handed over by Dr. Totok Prasetyo, B.Eng., M.T. as Director of Higher Education Institutional Development, Director General of Institutional Science and Technology &DIKTI to UMN on Thursday (19/1) at UMN. Previously UMN had been ranked III at the University level for Institutional Aspects of Kopertis Region III in 2016.
Accreditation in a college becomes very important because this is what determines the quality standards and assessment of a college. Superior accreditation will also determine the assessment of the quality of teaching and graduates of the college.
Dr. Ninok Leksono as Rector of UMN expressed gratitude for the achievement of accreditation of this institution A. “The success of UMN to get accreditation of institution A is of course very encouraging for the entire UMN academic community. This is the result of hard work of all components in UMN. However, the saying goes ‘in every honor there is an obligation’. So, the results of this accreditation must also be addressed as a mandate to maintain the quality of education and develop it,” ninok said.
In this handover event, Totok provides a challenge for UMN to continue to improve its quality. “Congratulations on his achievements because he has managed to get accreditation A. However, do not just stop being satisfied with accreditation A only. If at the age of 10 years can achieve accreditation A, then I challenge UMN at the age of 15 can enter into World Class University. Because until now, out of 4455 universities in Indonesia, only 2 universities are ranked in the world’s top 500,” he said.
Accreditation of institutions conducted by BAN-PT is the result of an assessment of university governance. To achieve accreditation of superior institutions, of course, hard work is needed to achieve the requirements, ranging from the quality management system, the best infrastructure facilities in accordance with industry standards, qualified and experienced lecturers, research, active and accomplished student activities. This is in accordance with the umn development master plan, the goal in this period is excellent teaching.
This achievement solidifies UMN’s steps to achieve its vision of becoming a World Class University. According to Ninok, this vision becomes an effort to achieve medium and long-term UMN. “To achieve this goal, one of the steps that can be taken is to continue to develop partnerships with universities abroad and increase the exchange of teaching staff and foreign researchers,” he explained.
UMN’s vision to become a World Class University is also seen from the proof of students to compete on the international scene. Many of them won competitions and festivals both at home and abroad. Among them are four students of Communication Science journalism interest selected to be representatives of Indonesia in the World Press Freedom Day event in Helsinki, Finland on May 2-4, 2016, student activity unit (UKM) Ultima Sonora won one Gold Diploma (Folklore category) and two Bronze Diplomas (Mixed Voice and Musica Sacra category) at the Singapore International Choral Festival (SICF) 2016, Documentary film ‘Mata Elang’ was selected as the best documentary film in ReelOzInd (the first Australian and Indonesian short film festival and competition), four Dewantara trophies were won by UMN students and institutions at the Indonesian Film Appreciation (AFI) 2016 event, UMN Computer System study program students beat thousands of Cisco NetRiders 2016 participants in the CCNA category in Asia Pacific and ranked 42nd in asia pacific level and ranked 3rd in Indonesia, and three works by UMN Animation students won all categories in the Student Short Animation Award Baros International Animation Festival 2016.
Not only Accreditation of Institutions, 4 other UMN study programs have also achieved A. The four study programs are Accounting, Management, Communication Science, and Visual Communication Design. (*)
by: Grace Natali – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara News Service
Kuliah di Jakarta untuk jurusan program studi Teknik Informatika | Sistem Informasi | Sistem Komputer | Akuntansi|Manajemen|Ilmu Komunikasi | Desain Komunikasi Visual, di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. www.umn.ac.id