Group photo at the Bank Indonesia Museum. (Doc. UMN)
Jakarta – On Thursday, (13/04/2025) UMN’s Faculty of Business visited the Bank Indonesia Museum and the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This activity is not merely a visit but students get a direct opportunity to learn about the economy in Indonesia and investment.
On the first visit, students visited the Bank Indonesia Museum. In this first session, students learned the early history of Bank Indonesia. In addition, students also learned how the economy in Indonesia ran during the colonial period.
“Bank Indonesia has done many programs for the economy in Indonesia such as sharia banks. Currently, Bank Indonesia is focusing on a sustainable green economy,” one of the Bank Indonesia employees explained.
Students also saw various currencies that had entered and were previously made in Indonesia, starting from the Dutch, Japanese, and British colonial currencies. Students also learned about various figures involved in the journey of Bank Indonesia.
After visiting the Bank Indonesia Museum, students also visited the Indonesia Stock Exchange. During the visit to the Indonesia Stock Exchange, students learned about investment and finance.
Seminar with Indonesia Stock Exchange. (Doc. UMN)
“Nowadays, investment is everywhere, even the digital applications that you use now have investment features. There are several factors why there is a lot of investment now, first because of the increase in stock investors, influencers on social media, and access,” Adjie Bagoes Hermanto, Market Development Division, Indonesia Stock Exchange said.
For Adjie, the large number of investments in Indonesia also gave birth to many people who took advantage of this opportunity to enrich themselves also called “bulging investments.” This is what makes many people distrustful and traumatized.
“Before you invest you have to know what the purpose is. Don’t just copy what others do; determine your finances and do financial planning. You can’t invest using food money, borrowed money, or college money,” Adjie continued.
Kemas shared some tips for determining finances for students. He recommends students allocate their funds this way: 50% is used for daily needs, 20% for saving or investments, 20% for desires, and 10% for social. Other investment tips are to understand, have, and monitor.
“For me, financial literacy is important. Most importantly, learning stocks can make students more open and get new knowledge from experts who know how to manage finances and stocks, so students don’t need to be afraid to invest in stocks,” Nurina Putri Handayani, SE, MM, one of UMN’s Management Lecturers said.
This visit itself is very insightful for UMN management students so that they know how to invest properly and how legal investments should be.
“I think the visit to the Bank Indonesia Museum and the Indonesia Stock Exchange was fun and added a lot of new knowledge that I didn’t know before, understanding the influence of finance,” Salvius Everlan, one of the 2023 UMN Management students, said.
By Rachel Tiffany Tanukusuma | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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