Let’s Get to Know R, One of the Tools in Data Science
April 20, 2022
UMN and KOICA together with KOSA Discuss the Continuation of the KSU Fourth Industry Revolution Technical Center Program
April 25, 2022
The team of professors from Silla University, Busan, South Korea and the leadership of UMN (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – Representing the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), a team of professors from Silla University, Busan, South Korea, conducted a monitoring and evaluation visit for the Fourth Industry Revolution Technical Center program (4 IRTC).
The professor’s representatives consisted of Seong Soo Kim, Cheolwoo Ro, Jaehong Kim, Haesung Yang, and Yonghong Kim. UMN leaders were also there, namely Ninok Leksono (Chancellor), Ninok Leksono (Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs), Andrey Andoko (Vice-Chancellor of General Administration and Finance), Ika Yanuarti (Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs), and Muliawati (Vice Chancellor for Relations and Cooperation), during a visit to Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN), on Monday, (18/04/22).
Representatives of professors from Silla University carried out monitoring and evaluation of the preparation of the Fourth Industry Revolution Technical Center program (4 IRTC). Program 4 IRTC is a planned 3-year cooperation program between KOICA– Silla – UMN (KSU).
In a joint meeting held in the Alor meeting room, Building A UMN. Prof. Seong Soo Kim gave a presentation regarding the rundown of events that will be carried out together for the next nine days in Jakarta. Previously, communication between UMN, KOICA, and Silla University was only conducted online through zoom meetings.
Therefore, in his presentation, Prof. Seong Soo Kim emphasized that this collaboration aims to secure the technical skills of all parties in the UMN organization for improvements in management and maintenance. The partnership aims to develop the foundation of UMN through Kompas business connections and lock agreements with several companies to increase the effectiveness of student recruitment when finding jobs in the industrial sector 4.0. He also briefly mentioned the second year of the cooperation plan, which will focus more on improving professors’ teaching abilities at UMN.
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After the brief presentation from Prof. Seong Soo Kim, the group of professors representing KOICA and Silla University were invited to see the KSU 4 IRTC collab room in Building D, located on the 11th floor. This room will be the active space for implementing the 4 IRTC programs later.
In that room, the leaders of UMN and professors from Silla University familiarized themselves with each other to build a deeper connection. They drank, talked, and took photos together. After touring the KSU 4 IRTC room, they continued to the Smart Factory computer lab room, which is still located on the same floor. It is planned that the Smart Factory lab will later be used as a training room for engineering students.
Before returning to the Alor meeting room to continue the group meeting, the KSU group stopped briefly on the ground floor of Building D UMN, in front of the large memorial to the founders of Kompas Gramedia (P.K. Ojong and Jakob Oetama) for a group photo session.
Previously, the 4 IRTC program was merely a discussion. Therefore, the group of professors representing Silla University and KOICA, together with the leaders of UMN, will continue ensuring the success and quality of the program. They will carry out more briefing sessions, operational surveys, data surveys, field tours, and joint consultations on the 4 IRTC programs for UMN for the next seven nights and nine days to achieve mutual certainty.
*by Iglo Montana | UMN News Service
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