Representatives of Professors from KOICA and Silla University Came to UMN for a Monitoring and Evaluation Visit
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April 26, 2022Multimedia Nusantara University with representatives of professors from Silla University, Busan, South Korea at the KOICA headquarters (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN), together with a team of professors from Silla University, Busan, South Korea, held a meeting with the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and the Korean Small and Medium Enterprises Association (KOSA) to discuss the Fourth Industry Revolution Technical Center program. (4 IRTC).
In a series of monitoring and evaluation visits to the KOICA-Silla-UMN 4th Industrial Revolution Technical Center (KSU 4 IRTC) Program at UMN, several professors from Silla University Korea, accompanied by the second Vice-Chancellor of UMN, Mr. Ir. Andrey Andoko M.Sc. came for a friendly visit to the KOICA Indonesia Office. They were greeted directly by Mr. Yun Gil Jeong, the Country Director of KOICA Indonesia, Tuesday (19/4/22).
This visit serves as the first meeting with the representatives from KOICA Indonesia. The meeting was held at KOICA’s head office, located at the Equity Tower Building, 39th floor, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD), Jakarta. Arriving at the Equity Tower, representatives of UMN and Silla University were warmly welcomed by Ms. Lee Sun Young, KOICA Indonesia’s Program Coordinator.
The meeting started with a joint presentation between the representatives of UMN, a team of Silla University professors, and Mr. Yun-Gil Jeong, Country Director of KOICA Indonesia. Mr. Andrey started the presentation by explaining the profile video of UMN 2022. Prof. Seong Soo Kim then continued by sharing the rundown of the monitoring and evaluation events that will be carried out this week. He also briefly asked for feedback on the responses and critics regarding the KSU 4 IRTC program.
The KSU 4 IRTC program can take place thanks to the full support from KOICA. This program will last for three years, from 2021 to 2023. Currently, the KSU 4 IRTC program is entering its second year. Every year, there are two batches of training programs based on two tracks, namely the Smart Factory Track and the Cloud-Big Data Track.
Towards the end of the meeting with KOICA Indonesia, Mr. Andrey and Johanes T. Boro, the Manager of Continuing Education Department (CED) UMN, gave souvenirs and conducted a group photo session in front of a large Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) writing placard. They then moved their meeting to Myeong–ga Myeon–ok, a Korean restaurant.
Arriving at the restaurant, while waiting for the Chairman and UMN representatives from KOSA, Silla University and several members of KOSA Indonesia who came had a friendly chat, shared business cards, and had dinner. Not long after, the chairman of KOSA came and was given souvenirs by Mr. Andrey and Johanes as an appreciation for being invited to dinner. After everyone had gathered, the second meeting was held.
This meeting with KOSA Indonesia aims to discuss the employment of the alumnus of the KSU 4 IRTC program in the companies of the members of KOSA Indonesia. Just like working with other companies or in the business field, the purpose of this collaboration is also business-oriented that has symbiotic mutualism. In short, it is hoped that this collaboration can benefit all sides, namely UMN, Silla, KOICA, and KOSA Indonesia.
Through the KSU 4 IRTC program, participants can immediately get jobs in companies that are members of KOSA Indonesia. At the same time, the companies in KOSA Indonesia will be able to have new employees who are well prepared and ready to support the company’s transformation into the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Closing the second meeting, all the chairman, members of KOSA Indonesia, representatives of UMN, and the Silla University professor team held a photo session together and shook hands to thank each other for the dinner and went to their respective places and.
*by Iglo Montana | UMN News Service
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