UMN Hands Over a Set of Computers for Three Villages in Kab. Tangerang
July 1, 2015
Seeking Knowledge in the Land of Sakura
August 6, 2015Multimedia Nusantara University Student Choir, Ultima Sonora, managed to make achievements in the event “The 4th Bali International Choir Festival 2015” held from July 29 to August 2, 2015. A gold medal and two silver medals from three categories became the fruit of a choral struggle that will turn eight years old in September.
Faced with participants from various provinces in Indonesia and abroad as well as judges from various countries such as Singapore, the Philippines, South Korea, Spain, and Macedonia, Ultima Sonora won silver medals in the Female Choir and Musica Sacra categories. Meanwhile, Ultima Sonora’s dynamic and beautiful performance in the song “Ampar-Ampar Pisang” and “Montor-Montor Cilik” arrangement Poedji Soesila successfully received an award in the form of a gold medal.
4th BICF is the first international competition to be attended by Ultima Sonora. This is a big step followed by various consequences. Since the beginning of March 2015, members of Ultima Sonora have been actively practicing four times a week after college time. Members of a choir consisting of sopranos, alto, tenors, and bass give up the end-of-semester holidays and eid holidays for intensive rehearsals. In addition to preparing the song material, all members also work together to find funds to fly 28 singers, 1 pianist, 1 conductor, and 5 officials to the island of the Gods.
“We are very grateful and grateful for the support of various parties. This achievement is the beginning of the process of Ultima Sonora in becoming a professional choir in the future,” said Hans Christian, chairman of Ultima Sonora 2014, on the sidelines of the euphoria of Saturday night’s awards night.
Gratitude is certainly also felt by conductor and coach Ultima Sonora, Antonius Ria Deni Sulistya. “My hope going forward for Ultima Sonora is to keep fighting. The challenges in front of your eyes will increase. We have to get better.”
Keep it up, Ultima Sonora! (*)
Kuliah di Jakarta untuk jurusan program studi Teknik Informatika | Sistem Informasi | Sistem Komputer | Akuntansi | Manajemen | Ilmu Komunikasi | Desain Komunikasi Visual, di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. www.umn.ac.id