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April 25, 2023(Source: ICYS 2023 press release)
TANGERANG – The two students of Santa Laurensia High School, Dhavina Priskila Tjahjadi and Gabrielle Rochellin Susanto, who last year won first place in the Banten Young Researcher Competition (Lomba Peneliti Belia/LPB) at Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) with the research title “The Potential of Malabar Spinach Plant Mucilage (Basella Alba) as a Filter Hydrogel Against Microbeads and Fe2+ Ions,” have achieved another achievement.
On April 13, 2023, the Center for Young Scientists shared that Dhavina and Gabrielle were included in the Indonesian national team and won silver at The 29th International Conference of Young Scientists (ICYS) 2023 in Belgrade, Serbia from April 8 to 14, 2023. Dhavina and Gabrielle are two of the six students who received this award.
“The Indonesian team consisting of 6 students who won the 2022 National Young Researcher Competition brought 4 research titles in the fields of Computer Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Science. The awards that were successfully obtained by the Indonesian Team were 2 silver medals and 2 best poster awards,” wrote the ICYS 2023 press release.
The six students were selected from the 2022 Banten Young Researcher Competition winners. As reported last year, the winners of LPB Banten 2022 will be included at the national level, namely LPB Nasional 2022. National team selection will also be carried out for research competitions at the international level, including the International Conference of Young Scientist 2023, Asia Pacific Conference of Young Scientist 2023, and International Conference for Young Social Scientist 2023.
Also read: UMN and CYS Hold Young Researcher Competition throughout Banten.
This time, Dhavina and Gabrielle with the Environmental Science category brought the research title “Mucilage and Bamboo Charcoal Based Wound Dressing: Malabar Spinach (Basella alba) Mucilage and Cendani Bamboo (Phyllostachys aurea) Charcoal as A Biodegradable Hydrogel Powder for Wound Dressing.”
Their research aimed to determine the potential of hydrogel powder made from Basella alba plant mucilage and bamboo charcoal as an environmentally friendly biodegradable wound dressing alternative. They found that wound dressings made from these materials successfully absorbed wound secretions and inhibited the growth of E. coli bacteria around the wound parameters.
Research into eco-friendly wound dressings, such as those made with Basella alba plant extract, is rising internationally. One recent study mentioned how natural extract-based bio-composite materials for wound healing are gaining much attention due to the risk of infection and the high cost of commercial wound dressing films that cause serious problems to human welfare.
It’s really cool how Indonesian students can contribute to international academic developments in their respective topics.
UMN is always committed to improving the quality and ensuring the sustainability of research activities in Indonesia. One of them is through the national LPB, which encourages young people to try to solve problems around them through research.
The UMN family is very proud and congratulates the six students who made it to the national team for the ICYS 2023 competition.
Congratulations and keep achieving!
By Levina Chrestella Theodora
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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