UMN Welcomes Dankook University, Korea, to Discuss Collaboration Ideas
February 10, 2025
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February 18, 2025
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Campus (Doc. UMN)
Tangerang – UMN (Universitas Multimedia Nusantara), expands their international collaboration. This international collaboration aims to introduce UMN to be better known in the world. There’ll be various collaborations and partnerships that will be present and implemented later.
Currently, UMN keeps collaborating with many international universities. It is hoped that this collaboration will help UMN to continue to develop both academically and non-academically. In the last few months, UMN has established the following official collaborations:
1.UMN Collaboration with Dennis Gabor University, Hungary

UMN & DGU, Hungary meeting (Doc. UMN)
UMN collaboration with Dennis Gabor University (DGU), is finally official on (10/12/2024). The collaboration between UMN and DGU resulted in several initiatives including the renewal and addition of the programming curriculum. Seeing the growing technology, UMN is very open to this collaboration.
There’s also another collaboration which is student exchanges that can be done onsite nor online. In addition, there is a joint-research collaboration, which is expected to increase research publications between UMN and DGU. Read the full news here
2. UMN Discuss Collaboration with Silla University

Visitation from Silla University to UMN (Doc. UMN)
Silla University is one of the universities in Korea. Before this, UMN has already had a lot of partnerships with Silla University. In this year’s collaboration, UMN and Silla University discuss many programs for KSU4IRTC.
Looking at the KSU4IRTC program that was successfully held before. UMN and Silla University will continue to open batch seventh. Looking at the industry’s needs these days, this program is expected to be helpful for industry and increase the human resources. Read more about UMN collaboration and Silla University here
3. UMN Collaboration with Seoul National University

UMN meeting with Seoul National Univeristy (Doc. UMN)
UMN initiated a partnership with Seoul National University that’ll focus on data and informatics. In accordance with the discussion that has been carried out, Indonesia has excellent human resources and the development of information technology.
Beside data and informatics, there’s also other partnerships that will focus on architecture and business. Such as joint-research, business with Skystar Venture and other academic partnerships. Read more about the collaboration here
4. UMN Welcome Can Tho University, Vietnam.

Visitation from Can Tho University and disscusion with UMN (Dok. UMN)
A while ago UMN received a visit from Can Tho University (CTU). In this meeting UMN and CTU found a lot of similarity from all of the programs that they’ve held. However, to expand collaboration UMn and CTU already discuss a lot of partnership opportunities.
The partnership program that has been discussed are student exchange, english language program, business program, and social program such as humanity project. UMN expects this partnership can be implemented, and both parties could sign MoA (Memorandum of Agreement), so the partnership can be done immediately. Read more about the discussion here.
5. UMN discuss partnership with National Chengchi University

The meeting of UMN and NCCU (Dok. UMN)
National Chengchi University (NCCU) is a famous university in Taiwan. In this chance UMN’s undergraduate and postgraduate programs joined in the discussion of the collaboration, which is expected to involve both programs
In addition to expanding cooperation for students, NCCU is also open to cooperation between lecturers. This cooperation includes lecturer exchanges, class collaboration, and increasing short programs in UMN. Read the full news here.
6. UMN & Dankook University Collaboration

Visitation and collaboration disscusion with Dankook University (Dok. UMN)
Previously, UMN has been in partnership with Dankook University for quite some time. To strengthen the relationship between UMN and Dankook University, new discussions and collaborations are needed to achieve other new goals.
In the latest discussion with Dankook University, UMN got the opportunity for student exchange and short-course programs. Later, both UMN and Dankook University will send students to each other’s campuses to gain more experience. Read the full news here.
By Rachel Tiffany Tanukusuma | UMN News Service
English Translation by Rachel Tiffany Tanukusuma
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