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September 18, 2023Jnana Sanka Event (Doc. UMN)
Tangerang – Multimedia Nusantara University’s student organization based on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), UMN ECO 2023, made its first step by holding a pre-event “Jnana Sanka.” On this occasion, UMN ECO collaborated with Biru Voices 2023 to continue to commit to protecting the environment, especially regarding air quality in Indonesia.
Jnana Sanka has four activities, with the Campus Talk Show as the highlight. This event focuses on the success of the 13th SDG, namely Handling Climate Change. UMN ECO initiated the four events to encourage the community, especially students of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, to impact the environment and its quality of life positively.
Implementation of the Jnana Sanka Event (Doc. UMN)
The first series of activities is called UDAsmaRA. In this activity, UMN ECO opened a booth in Lobby D, Multimedia Nusantara University. This booth was officially opened on Monday, September 4, until Thursday, September 7, 2023. UDAsmaRA was established as a means of education about the dangers and impacts of air pollution for ECO Friends, students who are the audience of UMN ECO. Not only that, the booth also facilitates the voice of ECO Friends by writing their aspirations and hopes on the available board. More than 278 aspirations were collected from this UDAsmaRA activity.
Student Involvement in UMN ECO Events (Doc. UMN)
Welcoming World Clean Air Day on Thursday (07/09/23), UMN ECO invited ECO Friends to wear blue clothes with an activity entitled “Equip Your Voice.” With this mass movement, ECO Friends are expected to be able to speak their voice for clean air through their clothes. Previously, a similar action was carried out by UMN ECO with the title “Earth Tone Day” to celebrate Earth Day on Wednesday (24/04/23). The students of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara enthusiastically welcomed the movement. This is evidenced by the large number of participants, with hundreds of mentions in UMN’s social media containing uploads of earth-tone clothing on that day.
Talkshow “Green Living: Small Changes, Big Impact” (Doc. UMN)
A Campus Talk Show with the theme “Green Living: Small Changes, Big Impact” was also organized by UMN ECO and Biru Voices 2023 as the culmination of Jnana Sanka activities. The Talk Show will be held openly on Thursday, September 7, 2023, at Canteen C of Multimedia Nusantara University. UMN ECO exclusively invited two speakers, Fakhri N. Syahrullah, Impact Manager of Jejak.in, and Primadita Rahma, a Community Specialist from Bicara Udara.
The topics presented intersect with air issues such as carbon footprint, green transportation, and its benefits to the environment. The Talk Show is open with the aim that the material can be spread widely to raise awareness of all campus residents to use green transportation for environmental sustainability.
ECO Friends Social Media Campaign (Doc. UMN)
Aiming to unite voices for a clean and pollution-free air environment, UMN ECO and Biru Voices 2023 also launched a social media campaign entitled “One Voice.” ECO Friends are asked to capture the moment when participating in the entire series of Jnana Sanka activities through their personal Instagram accounts. The exciting thing about the launch of this campaign is that ECO Friends have the opportunity to win a fantastic raffle prize in the form of one unit of air purifier from Biru Voices 2023. Twibbon from ECO Friends also enlivened the Instagram page on the day of the “One Voice” activity.
Biru Voices is a clean air ambassador program with the main vision of providing debriefing to students. It aims to encourage the younger generation to contribute to environmental conservation. The Biru Voices program also operates to support career development in the field of sustainability. Thus, Biru Voices promotes people’s careers that focus on environmental sustainability in two aspects, namely environmental and social.
Bicara Udara, an environment-based community, formed Biru Voices to invite people to improve air quality in Indonesia. One of the students of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Dave Hapien, was chosen as one of the ten representatives of Biru Voices 2023. On this occasion, Dave received a grant to run a clean-air campaign project. In connection with his goal, Dave chose UMN ECO as a partner in developing his project.
UMN ECO & ECO Friends Committee (Doc. UMN)
The collaboration between Biru Voices and UMN ECO 2023 is a form of commitment to increase public awareness of environmental balance. Therefore, the four series of activities from Jnana Sanka are expected to encourage ECO Friends to start realizing a clean air environment for a bright future. Not stopping at Jnana Sanka, UMN ECO also looks forward to holding various other exciting activities. These activities will be followed by “The Making of Nawasena,” “Hidden City in Wehea,” “ECO Patra,” and “Gate of Meru Betiri,” which will soon be present as a form of UMN ECO’s struggle with ECO Friends for environmental sustainability.
Public Relations Team | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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