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September 13, 2022Lecture On Time. Many students view college as merely an extension of high schools, such as graduating from junior high school and moving on to high school. They are relaxed and don’t take college seriously. Not surprisingly, not a few of them repeat several courses. Some are slow to graduate from college and drop out. If you are a current student (Bachelor, S-1, or Postgraduate), please understand that college is very different from school. Graduating quickly depends on how hard you study and overcome all the challenges.
Here are some tips to help you finish college on time.
Understanding Lecture Objectives
The smart and accurate way to graduate college on time is that you must understand and also be aware of the purpose of college. Of course, the task of a student is to study so that they will be more focused on matters related to lectures.
Avoid some activities that are not too important and are also quite disturbing when studying. You also have to know that to graduate on time with good results it takes a lot of sacrifices. So now focus on your task so you can achieve it easily.
Find Out the Tuition Program Offers
Get to know the course offerings from the Study Guidebook. Do not ignore the Study Guidebook that is distributed at the beginning of the lecture because it contains a list of courses that need to be programmed each semester.
To complete lectures on time, complete each course for each semester with good grades. If there are courses that do not pass, of course, they must be repeated the following year, so it will affect the time of graduation. The minimum standard to pass is to get a C grade.
Study Smart not Study Hard
In lectures, there is a system for taking SKS (Semester Credit Units) for subjects. This credit has a heavier burden. By taking one credit, it means that you have to study in class for one hour, study independently for one hour, and do assignments in one hour.
Class schedules are also different from busy schools. You can study from 7-9 am, then get free hours until 3 pm. Usually, this is what makes a student rarely attend class.
Classes in lectures are denser with much more material. So if you miss just one class, you will miss quite a lot of material, and it can result in poor grades or not passing one subject.
Not passing the next course can slow down the graduation time, because of course you have to take it again in the next semester.
Getting Involve and Be Active in The Classroom
In addition, being a student who can complete lectures on time can also be done if the person concerned wants to be active in class. The way to be active is to participate in discussion activities, answer the questions given, complete assignments and help other friends to learn to understand the material.
Actively asking for tips on taking certain courses from seniors is also a good strategy to complete lectures on time. Don’t underestimate the questioning skills and information you will get from people who have already taken the course. By asking, you can find out the types of assignments and quizzes that are often issued by lecturers so you can anticipate them.
Find Out the minimum number of credits to pass
In Indonesia, there is a regulation to take 144 credits if you want to be declared graduated from a study program. Therefore, you need to plan from the beginning what courses you want to take and make sure the number is at least 144 credits.
This is sometimes ignored by several students, who mostly take courses based on the choice of close friends and follow suit.
As a result, at the final level, they just realized that the credits taken were not enough so they had to add a few more semesters to cover the shortage of credits.
So, while still a new student or entry-level, try to have your study plan. Remember, independence is highly demanded if you want to graduate from college on time.
Good Time Management
To be able to complete lectures on time, you also need to have a good schedule so that you can study optimally. It is not recommended to do the overnight speeding technique the night before the test.
Instead, use the time after class to review the material because it reminds you that the course is still fresh. In addition, you can also directly discuss with friends if there is the material that you do not understand.
If you feel you are not able to attend lectures, take time to study extra. Don’t be shy about repeating what you’ve learned. The more you re-learn, the more your understanding will increase.
Create a Conducive Learning Environment
Another important way is to create a positive and mutually supportive learning environment with friends. It is undeniable that most of the student’s time is spent with their friends. For that, don’t hesitate to invite your friends to study together.
The thing you need to pay attention to is not laughing at your friends who are studying. Know that a positive climate will be formed if you and your friends view learning as a fun activity.
Thinking Far Ahead
To be more motivated to complete your study period on time, try to take a moment to think about your future after graduating from college. Do you want to work in a multinational company, work in government, or become an entrepreneur?
By thinking ahead, you will have a life timeline that will certainly motivate you to graduate on time. A lecture bench is a great preparation to realize your dreams in the future.
Having a plan after college can also help you determine what courses you think you need to take while still a student.
Most students think they will find their dreams after graduating from college, but this ends up trapping them and makes a person less clear on their goals.
Be Selective with Friends and Expand Connection
Associating and building relationships is important in the world of lectures, but you also have to be smart in choosing friends who will motivate you to graduate quickly and wear a toga.
Try to hang out with friends who are diligent enough, so that consciously or unconsciously, being around them you always feel embarrassed because you don’t study enough and eventually you learn to be independent.
Hanging out with diligent friends means that you have managed to surround yourself with positive energy. This strategy is not difficult for you to do as long as you want to quickly graduate from college.
Organizing is quite important too, but you should also learn from your friends or seniors who are good at dividing time between socializing and studying. Expand your connections so that when you graduate, you will have a lot of information about jobs or types of businesses that you can pursue together.
After doing the previous tips, the most important step is consistency. Try to be consistent in carrying out your academic obligations. Be consistent in your initial goals for college, and strive to, be consistent and develop in an environment that is following the goals. By being consistent with your goals, you will be able to complete college according to the target. Keep your consistency by evaluating goals every 3 or 6 months.
Read: Tips for Overcoming Student Burnout During Lectures
Those are some tips for college on time that you can practice, hopefully, they can make your study process easier.
There is much other interesting information that you can access through the official UMN website. On the website, you can also choose the online registration procedure according to your criteria. Come on, register now and start your career with UMN!