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March 6, 2023
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March 6, 2023Illustration of SNBP, SNBP, and Self-Selection Preparation. (Photo: Dmitry Ratushny, Unsplash)
Starting in 2023, the Ministry of Education and Culture has officially changed the name of the entrance selection for State Universities from SNMstate university and SBMstate university to SNBP and SNBT.
Well, if you are prospective students or high school friends and equivalent, are still unfamiliar with the name, what are the differences?
Let’s familiarize ourselves with each term. Let’s read this explanation of SNBP, SNBT, and Independent for 2023. Hopefully, it will be useful for those who wish to study at a state university in 2023.
What are SNBP, SNBT, and Independent Selection
1. SNBP (National Selection Based on Achievement)
Through this pathway, a grade 12 student is reviewed for achievement based on their report cards for semesters 1 – 5, portfolios, and other academic achievements. Generally, students’ achievements will be recorded by the school and then submitted as outstanding students by the school to be reviewed whether they can follow the SNBP path by the SNPMB state university 2023 team.
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2. SNBT (National Selection Based on Test)
SNBT requires students to take a test-based selection first. This selection is based on the results of computer-based Scholastic Test scores.
Seven subtests of material will be tested in the Scholastic Potential Test (TPS), including General Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Ability, General Knowledge and Understanding, Reading Comprehension and Writing Ability, Mathematical Reasoning, Indonesian Literacy, and English Literacy.
3. Independent Selection
For independent selection, state universities will usually conduct certain tests whose material is broadly similar to SNBT, to determine which students are entitled to enter the state university.
Unlike SNBP and SNBT, the independent selection has different regulations for each state university.
For example, the independent selection of the University of Indonesia (UI), with Diponegoro University (Undip) or Gajah Mada University (UGM), will have different materials.
Differences in SNBP, SNBT, and Independent Selection Capacity
One more factor that distinguishes the three is capacity. The maximum amount of capacity for SNBP selection is 20% for each campus, SNBT at least 40%, and followed by a maximum of 30% for independent selection. If students have participated in SNBT, the SNBT scores can be used in the independent selection process. And for a state university Legal Entity (state university-BH), the SNBT quota is at least 30 percent.
This is confirmed by the official document uploaded by the SNPMB 2023 committee as follows.
Illustration of SNBP, SNBT, and Independent selection Quotas. (utbkcak.com)
Cost and Participants
The most basic difference between SNBT, SNBP, and Independent is the cost. SNBT participants are charged a fee of Rp 200,000, while SNBP fees are free. However, SNBT applicants from underprivileged families can still get free selection fees through the KIP Kuliah Program at https://kip-kuliah.kemdikbud.go.id.
Then some notes for the criteria for prospective participants who may register between SNBT and SNBP are as follows.
SNBP participants are 12th-grade students in high school, vocational school, and, equivalent (2023 graduates), with a maximum age of 25 years, are eligible students (entitled to participate in SNBP) determined from the ranking process by the school. The number of SNBP-eligible students in one school is also determined based on the school’s accreditation.
Meanwhile, SNBT participants can be graduates of 2021, 2022, or 2023, from high school, vocational school, and Paket C, with a maximum age of 25 years.
Schedule Provisions for SNBP, SNBT, and Independent Selection
SNBP and SNBT Schedule 2023. (SNPMB)
SNBP Schedule
- School Quota
- School quota announcement: December 28, 2022
- Closing of the school quota period: January 17, 2023
- Account Registration
- SNPMB-BPPP: January 16 – February 15, 2023
- Eligible Student Determination: January 03 – February 08, 2023
- PDSS filling: January 09 – February 09, 2023
- SNBP Registration: February 14 – 28, 2023
- SNBP Result Announcement: March 28, 2023
- All activities on the designated day end at 15.00 WIB.
SNBT Schedule
- SNPMB-BPPP Account Registration: February 16 – March 03, 2023
- UTBK-SNBT Registration: March 23 – April 14, 2023
- UTBK Wave I Implementation: May 08 – 14, 2023
- UTBK Wave II Implementation: May 22 – 28, 2023
- SNBT Result Announcement: June 20, 2023
- UTBK Certificate Download Period: June 26 – July 31, 2023
All activities on the specified day end at 15.00 WIB
Independent Selection Schedule
Independent Selection by state universities is the last selection in the series. Independent Selection will only be carried out after the SNBT announcement.
As for the estimated announcement of the results of Independent Selection, the latest will be circulated at the end of July.
Usually, for example, if there are still many state university capacity quotas that still need to be met at the end of July, state universities may extend the Independent Selection wave until August 15, 2023.
Also read: Like Computers? Check out the Difference between Informatics & Informatics Engineering Majors.
Well, those are things you need to know about the difference between the SNBP, SNBT, and Independent Selection 2023 path. Hopefully, the information about the differences between the SNBP, SNBT, and Independent Selection path above can help you enroll in the desired state university!!!
You can also learn more about other interesting information through UMN’s official website. You can also choose the online registration procedure according to your criteria on the website.
It’s also a good idea to look at UMN, a private university, as a university option. Let’s register now and start your career with UMN!
By Iglo Montana | UMN News Service
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