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April 22, 2024The meeting between UMN and the Tangerang City Office (Doc. UMN).
Tangerang City, April 18, 2024 – The Tangerang City Office is proud to announce the initiation of their latest program called “UMKM Naik Kelas” (MSMEs Upscale). This program aims to help micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) meet their needs and increase their profits. This initiative was taken in response to the rapid growth of the business sector in Tangerang City, which is also known as the City of Commerce.
The “UMKM Naik Kelas” program is one of the concrete steps taken by the Tangerang City Office to improve the quality of cooperatives and MSMEs in the city. The step is to provide a dashboard display to each MSME according to its business scale and category.
“The main objective is to provide a clear picture of the development and needs of each MSME,” explained Bachtiar Priyambodo, S.STP., M.Si. as the Head of Tangerang City Office.
In its development, the Tangerang City Agency partnered with the Faculty of Business, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN). UMN is considered capable of providing the necessary practitioner services. UMN will play a role in creating the ecosystem for this program. As part of this collaboration, the city government offers grants to UMN to support the program’s implementation.
The Dean of UMN’s Faculty of Business and one of the supervisors of the “UMKM Naik Kelas” program, Dr. Florentina Kurniasari T., S.sos., M.B.A., expressed her excitement in welcoming this collaboration. She considers this a good opportunity for UMN to apply its expertise.
“Through this program, the City Government Office can benefit from UMN’s experience and academic expertise, and UMN can also have the opportunity to work on real projects,” Dr. Florentina continued.
The “UMKM Naik Kelas” program will involve hundreds of MSMEs. The initial stage will be researching the needs of each MSME class represented by 40 MSMEs with 10 MSMEs each per class, followed by formulating digital design, MSME class criteria, and a growth ecosystem that ensures that each MSME successfully applies the learning outcomes to upgrade.
The parties involved in this program are from the Tangerang City Office, represented by Bachtiar Priyambodo, S.STP., M.Si. as the Head of the Office, Maya Elsera Cullen as the Secretary of the Office, and Drs Nazmudin, M.M. as the Head of the UMKM Division, along with their staff. From UMN’s side, the role is held by Ir. D. Wim Prihanto, M.M., as the main assistant, as well as three other assistants and four administrative team members.
An initial research as a form of a more profound understanding of MSMEs will be the basis for the next strategic step: developing an interactive MSME database, criteria for MSME classes oriented towards business growth, and developing a growth ecosystem for each MSME class.
“After the ecosystem is formed, there is a possibility of collaboration with other partners such as banks, universities, and others with similar interests,” said Ir. Wim.
Previously, UMN’s business faculty has been involved in various entrepreneurship programs, demonstrating the experience of UMN lecturers and practitioners in supporting the development of MSMEs.
The next hope is that this program can run well and be duplicated well, indicating that the ecosystem created by UMN has been well designed, said Ir. Wim.
by Ivana Auliya | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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