UMN Library Welcomes The National Library of the Republic of Indonesia’s Standardization and Accreditation Team
March 6, 2023![](https://www.umn.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Gedung-UMN-1-1.webp)
Avoid These 7 Mistakes When Choosing a Private University
March 6, 2023Who has never heard of Excel? This Microsoft-backed software is often one of the requirements for working in various types of industries. Learning Excel is important if you want to work in any field, especially in Data, Finance, Marketing, and other areas related to budget planning, performance reporting, and data entry.
Not surprisingly, many job interviews question applicants about their Excel skills. As prospective workers and business people, students need to know and learn Excel as a provision in the industry later. Here are some reasons why it is important to know Excel early on.
- Mainstay Software for Various Industries
Being the mainstay software for various industries, Excel has a variety of roles in its use. Generally, Excel functions as software for processing numbers, but in detail, this software is also used to create, edit, sort, analyze, and summarize data.
In addition, Microsoft Excel also functions to perform arithmetic and statistical calculations so that it can help solve logic and math problems. Excel is also often used to create financial records, prepare financial budgets, and create reports in the form of tables, graphs, or diagrams.
- Various Data Visualization Features
As a software with various functions, Excel is also often used to create data visualizations. Multiple features, such as tables, graphs, and diagrams, can be used.
Graphs are a form of data visualization with visuals easily captured and understood by data users. Utilizing charts will make it easier for you and your audience to read the data that has been processed and collected. There are several types of charts that you need to understand in Excel, namely Column, Bar Chart or bar chart, Line and Area Chart or line chart, Pie and Doughnut Chart or pie chart, Scatter and Bubble Chart, or chart with x and y axis, and Surface and Radar Chart.
These various types of charts can be adjusted to the needs and situation.
- Formulas that Make Data Processing Easier
Excel is also famous for the formulas available in it. These formulas are used to help the data processing process or other functions to be done easily. Common formulas often used in the working world are IF, SUMIF, VLOOKUP, INDEX, and so on.
The formulas available in Excel can be used according to the task and purpose of their use.
- Time to Sharpen Excel Skills for Industry Supplies
Students, having Excel skills can be a great opportunity for you to have a career in various industry lines. As explained earlier, Excel has many functions that can help your tasks and responsibilities later.
Now, Excel is also touted as a mandatory skill for all divisions and parts of the business in the digital era, like this era. Let’s train and hone Excel skills more easily with DQLab. For more information, you can visit the following link https://dqlab.id/.
By | DQLab
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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