UMN Collaborates with Mustika Ratu for Student Programs
March 1, 2024
International Study Experience at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
March 4, 2024Multimedia Training given by UMN Lecturers to Santri (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG, January 22, 2024 – Students from various Islamic boarding schools visited UMN to be given training on Multimedia. This training is a collaboration program between the campus and the Directorate of Early Childhood Education and Islamic Boarding Schools (Pesantren), the Directorate General of Islamic Education, and the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
Nowadays, information technology has become an element that cannot be separated from people’s lives. Almost all aspects of human life are related to information technology, including in the business context.
Facing this challenge, the Directorate of Early Childhood Education and Islamic Boarding Schools, Directorate General of Islamic Education, and Ministry of Religious Affairs RI launched a program called “Pesantren Multimedia.” This program is being worked on to optimize the Pesantren Endowment Fund grant, which is part of the cooperation of the Education Fund Management Institution (Lembaga Pengelolaan Dana Pendidikan/LPDP).
UMN lecturers will give a total of 72 students training. There are four areas of multimedia training provided. The four fields are graphic design, videography, social media marketing, and web programming. Director of Pendidikan Diniyah and Pondok Pesantren Prof. Dr. Waryono Abdul Ghafur, S.Ag. M. Ag said the selection of UMN as the university where the students study had been well considered.
“We chose UMN because we had previously conducted a survey, and the survey proved that UMN is indeed the right place because we want students not only to learn multimedia but also to learn other things in terms of culture and environment. Hopefully, the students will get a new and more comprehensive insight,” Waryono explained.
The program is scheduled to run for about a month until March 19, 2024. During this period, UMN provides its best services by directing lecturers to provide material to the students.
Not only are educational services provided, but the students are also provided with living facilities, namely dormitories, while learning at UMN.
Santri who participated in the Training Program (Doc. UMN)
“The hope is that the students can gain as much knowledge as possible and have adequate skills in the context of multimedia,” Waryono said. He also hopes this collaboration will open up opportunities to develop other programs.
“UMN has programs that are relevant for the development of students, ustadz, and pesantren,” Waryono concluded.
Nanda, one of the students who participated in the pesantren multimedia program, said that she was very excited to participate in this activity. The student, who comes from YAPINK Pusat boarding school in Tambun, Bekasi, participated in graphic design training for his boarding school. She felt that the material provided by the lecturers was “meat” or meaningful knowledge.
“Later, for the graphic design assignment training, there will be an exhibition at the end of the program. This exhibition results from the participants’ work from the beginning of the training,” Nanda explained.
UMN Rector, Ninok Leksono also warmly welcomed this collaboration. He said that UMN is ready to contribute to the development of the surrounding environment. This is in accordance with UMN’s principle of being a university that provides benefits to society.
Interviewed separately, UMN’s Continuing Education Department (CED) Manager, Johannes T. Boro, also expressed his hope that through this training, the students would become inspirers for their peers when they return to their respective Islamic Boarding School later. In addition, he also hopes that with the knowledge gained, the students can develop and increase the business capacity of the Islamic Boarding School.
by Ivana Auliya | UMN Team News
English translation by Levina Chresella Theodora
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