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November 24, 2024Socialization of Village Independent Sirens (Doc. UMN)
Kampung Cisiih, Situregen Village, South Lebak, November 14, 2024—Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN), in collaboration with the South Lebak Mitigation Cluster (Gugus Mitigasi Lebak Selatan/GMLS), conducted a Village Independent Siren Socialization activity on Thursday, November 14, 2024, from 09.00 to 11.30 WIB, at the residence of the Head of the Neighborhood Association, Moch. Kurnia, Kampung Cisiih, Situregen Village, Panggarangan, South Lebak. This event was part of the activities to increase public awareness of the importance of early warning systems in South Lebak.
The event began with a session on introducing Independent Sirens (Sirene Mandiri) by Tb Willdan Hidayatullah. This session was also followed by an interactive discussion involving the people of Cisiih Village. The activity then continued with an introduction session on the purpose and function of the siren, conducted by two representatives of the Cisiih Village community, Moch. Kurnia and Deni Apriatna who will also be responsible for the use and maintenance of the Village Independent Siren.
The event then continued with a simulation of using the siren guided by Tb Willdan Hidayatullah and the two village representatives. This session also included a symbolic handover of HT (Handy Talky) from the Sirene Mandiri Desa Activity Implementation Team to the person in charge of Sirene Mandiri Desa.
Symbolization of HT (Handy Talky) Handover from Sirene Mandiri Desa Activity Team (Doc. UMN)
The event was also attended by Asep Mulya Hidayat, the Head of Prevention and Preparedness of the Banten Province Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Anis Faisal Reza, the chairperson of the GMLS, local community leaders, the Disaster Resilient Village Team (Destana), and representatives of UMN lecturers and students.
In his speech, Anis Faisal Reza reminded, “Hopefully this collaborative effort can be useful as one of the joint efforts in fulfilling the Tsunami Ready community in South Lebak.”
Asep Mulya Hidayat also said he was very happy that today’s young generation also cares about disaster mitigation.
“I am very happy to be able to participate in the independent socialization of this village. I did not expect that there are still young people, especially Gen-Z, who care about the environment, especially in terms of disaster mitigation. This has changed my view on Gen-Z,” he said.
The event ended with a group photo session and other documentation. This activity received a positive response and high enthusiasm from the Cisiih community, who hope similar events can be held again in the future.
The Sirene Mandiri Desa socialization event, with the theme “Sirene Ngajak Sadar, Nyiapkeun Diri,” was managed by UMN students Benedict Kuncoro Pamungkas, M. Sultan Faraj, and Putu Runitianingsih.
Writer: Benediktus Kuncoro Pamungkas
For further information, please contact: Benediktus Kuncoro Pamungkas
Chief Executive of Village Independent Siren Socialization Telp. +62 898-1133-905
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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