To Become a Leading Global University in ICT  & Entrepreneurship Field


Universitas Multimedia Nusantara becomes an outstanding university in ICT at both national and international levels, which produces graduates that are internationally-minded and highly competent in their field equipped with an entrepreneurial spirit and noble character.


To participate in educating the nation and promoting the nation’s welfare by providing higher education and implementing the Tridarma of Higher Education (Education, Research, and Community Service) to improve the quality of Indonesia’s human resources.

ICT is one type of technology that greatly impacts people’s lives and has entered into every aspect of life. ICT is the technology of the present and the future.


Ninok Leksono

UMN Rector

UMN History

  • 2005


    Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) received permission from the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia to operate on November 28, 2005. UMN runs under the auspices of Yayasan Multimedia Nusantara which was founded by Kompas Gramedia.

  • 2006


    Multimedia Nusantara University which was founded by Kompas Gramedia. On 20 November 2006 the existence of UMN was announced (officially) at Hotel Santika by Dr. Ir Dodi Nandika, Secretary General of the Ministry of National Education.

  • 2007


    The first class of the first lecture was held on September 3, 2007, with the theme “Human Resource Development Towards the ICT Era.” In order to succeed in the first lecture, UMN invited guest lecturers such as Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohamad Nuh (Minister of Communication and Information), Dr. (Hc) Jakob Oetama (Founder of Kompas Gramedia), Roy Suryo (Telematics expert), Dra. Puspita Zorawar, M.PsiT (Communication and Psychology Expert).

  • 2009


    In 2009 the two UMN buildings in Scientia Garden were inaugurated by Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Nuh, DEA as Minister of National Education.

  • 2011


    In 2011, UMN started to build its third building. The building called the New Media Tower was inaugurated on September 28, 2012. The energy-saving concept promoted by the New Media Tower brought it out as the first winner of the Energy Efficient Building in the Tropical Building category at the 2014 ASEAN Energy Award and first place in the new energy-efficient building category in the Efficiency Award event. National Energy (PEEN) 2013.

  • 2013


    Skystar Ventures, UMN’s business incubator was born on December 12, 2013. Through Skystar Ventures, it is hoped that UMN can achieve its vision of creating technology entrepreneurs (technopreneurs).

  • 2016 Skystar


    Skystar Ventures
    In November 2016, Skystar Ventures was named the best business incubator in the Mentoring and Coaching category for Tenants from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education at the 2016 Indonesia Innovations & Innovators Expo (I3E).

  • 2016 New Prodi


    New Study Program
    Four new study programs at Multimedia Nusantara University are starting to operate.

    • The Electrical Engineering and Physics Engineering Study Program is under the auspices of the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics.
    • The Architecture Study Program is under the auspices of the Faculty of Art and Design.
    • The Cinematography and Animation specialization which was previously under the Visual Communication Design Study Program has become a separate study program, namely the Film and Animation Study Program.
  • 2017


    New Study Program
    UMN again opened 2 new study programs, namely D3 Hospitality and Multimedia Journalism. Previously, Multimedia Journalism was one of the specializations of the Communication Science Study Program.

  • 2019


    New Postgraduate Study Program

    Multimedia Nusantara University opened a Master of Technology Management Study Program (MMT) under the auspices of the Faculty of Business. Emphasizes the management aspects of innovation and the latest technology combined with entrepreneurial aspects. Produce graduate profiles as: Business Development Executives, Digital Transformation Specialist, Technopreneur, Technology Innovator, Technology Strategist.

  • 2017


    Pengembangan Fasilitas
    Guna memperlengkapi perkembangan UMN yang demikian pesat, UMN kembali membangun sebuah gedung berkonsep hemat energi pada Januari 2016. Pada tanggal 27 Januari 2017, dilakukan topping off untuk Tower 3 UMN.

  • UDL 2020


    Program Studi UMN Digital Learning Dibuka

    UMN Digital Learning (UDL) merupakan sebuah unit pendidikan di bawah naungan Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) yang telah berdiri sejak 31 Januari 2020. Dengan keunggulannya di bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi, UMN menciptakan dan menyelenggarakan digital learning melalui UDL. Dengan menerapkan sistem pembelajaran digital, kegiatan belajar di UDL dapat dilakukan dimana saja dan kapan saja, sehingga sangat cocok bagi mahasiswa yang memiliki kendala waktu dan jarak dalam belajar di perguruan tinggi. Dengan metode belajar yang fleksibel, pekerja professional, ibu rumah tangga, entertainer, dan entrepreneur sangat cocok belajar di UDL untuk mendapatkan gelar Sarjana S1. Menghasilkan profil lulusan: Social Media Strategist, Communication Campaign Planner, Data Analyst, Digital Marketing Specialist, Entrepreneur, Researcher & Akademisi.

  • MIK 2021


    Program Pascasarjana Kedua Dibuka


    Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) membuka program pascasarjana kedua yakni Magister Ilmu Komunikasi konsentrasi peminatan studi ditawarkan di program studi yang akan dimulai pertengahan Agustus 2021 ini meliputi Komunikasi Korporasi Digital (Digital Corporate Communication) dan Komunikasi Pemasaran Digital (Digital Marketing Communication). Magister Ilmu Komunikasi UMN mengkombinasikan perspektif keilmuan dan perspektif praktis. Menghasilkan profil lulusan: Corporat Communication Manager, Digital Marketing Communication Manager, Social Media Manager, Brand Manager, Communication Strategic Consultants, Academics & Researcher.

  • 2021 MIK


    New Postgraduate Study Program

    Multimedia Nusantara University opened a Master of Communication Studies Program (MIK) under the auspices of the Faculty of Communication Science. This study program is designed to provide a solid understanding of theories, principles, concepts, and research methods in the field of strategic communication.

    There are two concentrations, namely:

    • Digital Corporate Communication
    • Digital Marketing Communication (Digital Marketing Communication)
  • 2021 MNP


    Multimedia Nusantara Polytechnic (MNP)

    Multimedia Nusantara Polytechnic (MNP) adalah perguruan tinggi vokasi yang didirikan pada tahun 2021 oleh Yayasan Multimedia Nusantara, sebuah badan penyelenggara yang telah berhasil mendirikan dan mengembangkan Universitas Multimedia Nusantara dengan akreditasi unggul (A) dari BAN-PT. Sebagai bagian dari Grup Kompas Gramedia, MNP memiliki jejaring aktif dengan industri berbagai bidang seperti media, retail & publishing, hospitality, manufacture, event & venue, property dan digital.

  • 2023 PPAr


    Professional Education Study Program (PPAr)

    An architect needs further study to sharpen his professional competence. UMN as an educational institution takes part in this matter by establishing the Architect Professional Education Study Program (PPAr) in 2023. This is the fastest program for Bachelor of Architecture graduates who will become Professional Architects.

UMN Logo

logo umn

The globe symbolizes:

The envisioned existence of UMN as a university with international credibility. UMN is a global university not oriented towards a particular class, religion, ideology or group. UMN learners are young people from all over the world and from all backgrounds.

The open white box represents:

UMN’s belief that every human being is open to continue developing in all aspects of life and wants to transcend towards the infinite ideals out there. The use of technology will support this transition.

The white squares represent:

Advances in communication and information technology that play a role in the convergence of various areas of life in the world where everything is connected in a sophisticated way. Uniting the diversity of interconnected communities with good communication will create a harmonious world community.

Blue color symbolizes:

The technology, especially Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

UMN Advantages

Green Campus

With green campus concept, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara offers a comprehensive learning experience, supported by complete facilities and good environment.

Focusing on Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Indonesia had ample opportunity to develop ICT for the main capital to develop ICT is creativity. ICT experts in Indonesia are still few and the ICT companies need them a lot. Focusing on ICT, UMN arranges the ICT-based curricula for all programs. UMN students are provided with knowledge about and orientation to the development of ICT in order for them to be ready to face the changes, or even to make the changes.

In the Information Systems study program, I learned how to make programs relate to other production systems, as well as how pursue an effective and efficient production cycle. I also got an e-business course. I admit that the curriculum at UMN applies a balanced study of theory and practices and that it really helped me in comprehend the Batik Culture business.

Dea Valencia

Alumni Information System 2009

I had the opportunity to learn many things, starting from being a teaching assistant to earning the opportunity and trust to represent UMN in an accounting competition. This not only sharpened my academic skills but also fostered a strong sense of self-confidence and mentality in me. The experience I’ve come across during my study at UMN made me grateful that I chose to study at Multimedia Nusantara University

Chrysan Kirana Warsiman

Alumni Accounting 2010

”It has been fifty two years for Kompas Gramedia to accompany various generations of this nation. Kompas Gramedia keeps moving dynamically, enlightening people.

The Founder’s Commitment

Kompas Gramedia as the founder through Multimedia Nusantara Foundation is committed to develop UMN to be an outstanding university. The commitment is manifested in some real actions such as:

  • Providing facilities like the campus building, laboratory with complete equipment, library, and other facilities.
  • Giving a chance to UMN’s students to:
    • Undergo job training during a long holiday for around 2 months in Kompas Gramedia’s business units such as Kompas, Gramedia Pustaka Utama (book publishing), Gramedia Printing, (online media), etc.
    • Undergo internships in Kompas Gramedia’s business units.The two programs above help the students to gain the chance to pursue a career in Kompas Gramedia.
  • Giving opportunity for the best executives and professionals in Kompas Gramedia to be the lecturers in UMN.


UMN does not only educate the students to be ready to become professionals or researchers, but it also educates them to be ready to become entrepreneurs in technology, called technopreneur. UMN offers business incubator Skystar Ventures program that aims to prepare the students to be formidable entrepreneurs. Guided by well-experienced mentors, the students are prepared to run a business, even since they are still students.

Skystar Ventures’ vision is to promote the growth of startup communities in Indonesia. Through experience-based education, Skystar’s mission is to guide the participants to finalize the ideas and develop the products efficiently.


UMN tidak hanya mendidik mahasiswanya untuk siap menjadi profesional atau tenaga riset (akademisi), namun juga mendidik untuk siap menjadi wirausaha di bidang teknologi atau disebut technopreneur. Di dalam masa perkuliahan, UMN membuka program business incubator Skystar Ventures yang bertujuan menyiapkan mahasiswa menjadi technopreneur tangguh. Dengan bimbingan mentor berpengalaman, para mahasiswa dipersiapkan untuk menjalankan bisnis bahkan sejak masa kuliah.

Visi Skystar Ventures adalah mendorong pertumbuhan komunitas startup di Indonesia. Melalui pendidikan berbasis pengalaman, misi Skystar adalah untuk membimbing peserta untuk mematangkan ide dan mengembangkan produknya secara efisien.